Here is a review of some of the DVDs I have watched over the past 2 weeks...

informative film, with passionate performances by Al Pacino, Russell Crowe, and Christopher Plummer.
Following President Nixon's resignation due to the Watergate scandal he kept silent for 2 years, until he decided to go public in an interview with British personality David Frost. This movie basically goes behind the scenes in setting up those interviews, which would become a make-or-break duel for both David Frost and Richard Nixon. I have to admit I was very out of it when I watched this film, and dozed off in a few parts. It's a very informative, factual, film that demonstrates the corruption of the powerful. Although the interview was considered a victory for both Frost and Nixon, it clearly shows how Nixon abused his power in the Watergate scandal...
Yet I have to bluntly say this one was somewhat of a dud. Let's face it World War II movies are starting to get old, and should just be retired with Saving Private Ryan. This one tries to take a different route by telling the story of the Battle of Iwo Jima, and the soldiers who raised the flag in the famous photograph. Yet the story is all-over the place jumping from America to the battlegrounds, which drag on and on... I fell asleep many times throughout this movie, with it's continuous battle scenes, terrible acting, and weak story. This film lacks the artistry and drama that Eastwood brought in his other WWII film, Letters of Iwo Jima. I'm sorry to say he could not deliver on this one.

- Into the Wild (B)

- The Insider (B-)

- 310 to Yuma (C)

- The Constant Gardener (B-)
Following President Nixon's resignation due to the Watergate scandal he kept silent for 2 years, until he decided to go public in an interview with British personality David Frost. This movie basically goes behind the scenes in setting up those interviews, which would become a make-or-break duel for both David Frost and Richard Nixon. I have to admit I was very out of it when I watched this film, and dozed off in a few parts. It's a very informative, factual, film that demonstrates the corruption of the powerful. Although the interview was considered a victory for both Frost and Nixon, it clearly shows how Nixon abused his power in the Watergate scandal...
- Flags of our Fathers (C-)

My selection was better.
I got deNiro, Stallone, Eastwood, Macy, Taratino, Colin Farell yeah my selection was way better. Just saying. And you are the first negative review on 310 to Yuma. a little harsh their stephen.
Stallone?? Please... all he has is Rocky!
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