Friday, May 8, 2009

Teachers vs Students Futbol Match

I really like working at the Escuela of San Martin... I switch every other day helping as an English teacher, and helping with the gym teacher. The English teacher is a very cute black girl named Yohibeth... the gym teacher is a tall, cool guy named Hilbert... The children there all love me and think I'm the coolest person in the world... Their always hugging me and shaking my hand... The teachers there are very pretty, in their mid to late 20s... I went out with some of them on Thursday...

Today we had an amazing futbol match in the gym... The teachers vs. the 6th grade stars... It was a 5 vs 5 match, or what they call around here a "Mahange"... and what was even cooler was that the entire school was watching... So of course, I had to do a little bit of showing off... I told the children to call me "Cristiano Ronaldo"... We won 8 vs 2, and it was a very fast paced match... After the game was over, I was dead-tired, and my thighs are extremely cramped right now... (but I think this is due to hiking up the mountains in San Vicente)

-I had to bail on my weekend plans to Malpais with Miguel, mostly due to the sore condition of my body... Yet I think I might journey out to Fortuna tomorrow to see the glorious Volcano Arenal, which is about an hour away from here... we shall see!


Pablo Ramos said...

hey joto,

thanks for the pig flu alert. I got the job in Costa Rica but the mexico deal was so much sweeter. I need you to visit me bro,seriously. You would have fun. Costa Rica sounds nice. Europeans, Ticas, and chocolate city sounds like you have variety ;-) But verdad when do you get back? And you're not cristiano ronaldo more like matt ehingher!!!! Sir please.

Deuces Puto,


IU_hoosier20 said...

haha, matt ehinger... thats a good one! i laughed for almost a minute! but yah, costa rica has been amazing , i think ill be back in early June... money supply is running kind of low... congrats on the mexico job... not really the place i would want to be right now, but its still pay, so right on!