Friday, May 22, 2009

My Friends at San Martin

Today was my last day at the Escuela of San Martin where I worked as an English teacher and a Gym Teacher for the past 3 weeks... Each day consisted of walking up a deadly hill and arriving sweaty as could be... I would begin my morning by chatting with the lunch ladies... Then after that I would either work with Yogibeth, a cute mixed girl who teaches English to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd graders... or work with Hilbert, a tall cool, former professional futbol player in the gym...
The kids were awesome! So happy and loving,
and full of so much energy... They made me feel like a rock-star! Like a futbol-star; "Cristiano Ronaldo" was my name! It was too fun... It was like being a kid again! Playing tag, hide & seek, futbol, hackey sack, and so forth... Where I could be as crazy as I wanted to be... Like playing with Alejandrovich back at home! Speaking of which one of my favorite kids at the school was a 5th grader, named Andres, who looked and acted just like Alejandrovich... It was very peculiar! Very peculiar indeed! And there were so many cool kids like Andres, boys and girls, who I really got to know over the past 3 weeks! From 1st to 6th graders, all with different styles yet all became my good amigos!

Then there was the teachers that made things all the better... it was like being back in high school. "Who likes who.." type-of-a-thing... and I must say there were definitely more than one I had a thing for... Yogi, my best friend at the school, Nale, the art teacher, Christina, the 3rd grade teacher with a stunning body (still working on this one), Andrea, the 4th, 5th, 6th grade teacher, Eva, the sexy librarian, and hell even some of the older teachers were pretty attractive and flirtatious... yet along with the beautiful teachers, were just good funny people; like Mikol, the music teacher, Jorge, Yogi's loud and obnoxious sister, the lunch ladies, the parents I met, and of course Carlos, the fast-talking janitor, a funny guy who has become my drinking buddy here in Ciudad Quesada!

Although my time at the school is finished, I still got another week here in Ciudad Quesada, living with Dona Janette... She is a very bossy old woman, yet with the best intentions... I have no idea what next week has in store, yet hope I have not seen the last of these friends... My experience at the Escuela of San Martin was truly unforgettable! I was part of a community for three weeks, where I got to know Ticos & Ticas of all form! It was exactly what I was looking for here in Costa Rica, and will probably be the biggest thing I will remember...


Pablo Ramos said...

Mr. Sundberg. Has a nice ring to it.

IU_hoosier20 said...

haha, sure it does!