Sunday, September 28, 2008

Wyoming Airport

Wow this is the coolest airport ever... it's so small, that i got to pull my rental right up to the front of the building... and it gets free WiFi!! plane should be boarding in about 20 minutes... anyway, the game went pretty well, and i pretty much did all the set up... Kealy was his usual annoying self, but hopefully that was the last game I'll work with him... Next week I'll be in Purdon't, so that should be fun! going home to the FW, for a few days, to kick back and take it easy!

I gotta say about the debate, Obama looked very presidential, and much more poised than McCain did... Throughout the debate, it was obvious that McCain was annoyed, and his constant snickering was really starting to piss me off! Both candidates stuck well with their issues, and there wasn't a clear victor in this debate... Obama could of pressed harder on the economic issues I thought, but he still put forth a strong plan! One thing I thought he could do less of is say "McCain is Right"... I noticed he said that way too much, and could just see the Republican Campaigners jumping on that... Nonetheless though I'd say an overall win for Obama for passion and poise!

1 comment:

chiefmooney84 said...

I agree, McCain looked really uncomfortable at times, and he wouldn't even look at Obama!