Saturday, December 13, 2008

New Horizon Approaching

~Ive been standing at this fork in the road for some time now, and I think i may have finally made my decision! I've yet to really talk it over with anyone, so its not official yet, but i've definetely been putting a lot of thought into it! some big things have been happening in my life, and i think now is the time I act!

we once wrote a song in the summertime at the Cabin of Muskegon... it was me, my dad, and jenfox and as always my dad was taking the lead and we were just jamming with him... and after lots of improv, we began to form a song with a refrain... "The New Horizon"!

Basically the song was about changing for the better... a new dawn approaching! A new lifestyle... I always liked to think of the song as a reference to Obama, being the usher of the New Horizon... yet i think it goes deeper than that...I feel it applies to my life in general...

That Change is just around the Corner!

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