Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Coming Soon: My Top 25 Greatest Movies

So this has been in the talks and plans for the past few years now, and I've finally decided to sit down and really think it out... My list of favorite movies! Yet I decided on 25 instead of 50 this time, for several reasons... As I was making out a rough-draft list, I noticed there were about 30 that really stuck out above the rest... plus I feel a top 25 list is much more defined than a top 50 list... Sure I know there are many classic great movies still to see, yet I don't think this list will change too much overtime... This top 25 is my list of classics that make up and define my life! Each one of these movies has impacted me throughout life, and given me the perspective I have today. These are the greats, in my opinion, the finest works of cinema art!

1 comment:

Pablo Ramos said...

25 is cutting it close carnal