Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Shia LaBeouf's Slump

Empathy for Slumping Actors

It's funny how this story has grabbed my interest, as it was exactly five years ago that I wrote about Joaquin Phoenix's slump. (Joaquin Phoenix Feb 09 ) I generally try to avoid the tabloids and media gossip, but every now and again, when it's someone I admire, I can't help but follow their story. We often forget that these celebrities are real people off-screen and sadly there are some that handle the attention better than others. The best example of this is demonstrated during the award season, when these actors are seen off the big screen and can no longer "act". They are expected to be themselves as they walk the red-carpet, give interviews, and accept awards. They are constantly devoured by the public's attention, which I suppose is a fair expectation of being famous.

So onto Shia Labeouf

I first took notice of this developing Hollywood story, when Jim Carrey poked fun at Shia Labeouf at the Golden Globes in mid-Jan. It was clear at that point that Shia had become somewhat of joke within the movie industry. Turns out he had undergone some plagiarism accusations in December, for some of his short-film work. The result of this development has recently turned Shia into a target of heavy criticism.

His response to the sudden media blitz has been through complex humiliation. On his twitter account he has responded to his fans and the media that he is "No Longer Famous". Yesterday at the Berlin Film Festival he quoted a vague parable stolen from the Man United striker, Eric Cantona; "When the Seagulls follow the trawler, it is because they think sardines will be thrown in the sea". He then stormed off stage. That night he wore a bag over his face on the Red Carpet, once again emphasizing his shame.

His reaction to the media blitz has been rather unusual behavior and great fodder for the press. It's no doubt a slump for the young actor but I think he has control over it. I think similar to Joaquin Phoenix and many other great actors that have slipped along the way (Robert Downey, Mickey Rourke) he will use this to only build his persona. (I made the same prediction for Joaquin in 09 who made a great comeback by receiving accolades for The Master and Her.)  Shia is a very passionate person, who has already done some huge blockbusters as well as dramatic work. I think he has a very promising career ahead of him, and will use this slump to grow on-and-off the screen.

Some of Shia's Admirable Work

  • Bobby (2006)
  • Transformer Series (2007-2011)
  • Indiana Jones 4 (2008)
  • New York, I love you (2009)
  • Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps (2010)
  • Lawless (2012)
  • Nymphomaniac (2013)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

His latest style is really too good. The beard is perfect for him. Thanks for sharing nice information. Celebrity Photo Galleries