Saturday, July 17, 2010

Current Film Review: Inception

After watching Inception last night, I have come to feel that Christopher Nolan has become the most innovative director of the decade. With films such as Memento, Batman Begins, The Prestige, and the Dark Knight he has a found a new way to connect with today's modern audience. He brings a unique style of darkness and cool to his movies. This was clearly the case with Inception starring Leonardo DeCaprio, Ken Watanabe, Joseph-Gordon Levitt, Marion Cotillard, Ellen Page, and Michael Caine. It is a highly complex plot, which Nolan himself thought out... In the film, DeCaprio is the expert dream extractor, who is able to infiltrate people's dreams and extract important information from them. The story gets going when he is offered a new challenge by big business mongol Ken Watanabe, to plant an idea in someone's mind, known as an Inception. The process is considered impossible by most dream extractors, yet DeCaprio accepts the challenge so to clear his immigration status and get back home to his children. He puts together a team of extractors, each with their own certain specialty. They devise a very elaborate scheme to plant a seed in their targets mind, consisting of a dream within a dream within a dream, and so forth... Then comes the twist, DeCaprio's smoking wife, Marion Cotillard, who is trapped in the dreamworld, and wants to lure him back in. The entire concept of the dreamworld is very interesting, and well thought-out with some truth to it. Such as if you die in a dream you wake up. Or the "kick" you often feel in a dream, where you feel like your falling. Or even the state of limbo where you have fallen so deep into the dream that you cannot wake up. To go along with the very interesting plot of Inception, are also great action scenes, settings, and special effects. The film finishes with an open ending, leaving the viewer to decide the fate. Typical Nolan style, which is what has made him the best director of the past decade.

Coming Soon: Top 10 Favorite Actors, Actresses, and Directors

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