Tuesday, April 13, 2010

A World Without Nukes

To think that for the past 70 years now, we have possessed weapons that can destroy our planet. I have always considered weapons of mass destruction quite plainly as immoral, unnecessary, and extremely stupid. And to think that perhaps in the next four years, we may have completely eliminated such an option. Over the past few weeks now President Obama has worked hard alongside Russian President Dmitri Medvedev in a World Nuclear Summit to reduce the amount of active warheads. This is a monumental move for Obama's presidency as well as for the global spectrum. In the past few weeks our president has made me prouder than ever, first by finally passing Health Care Reform, and now by pushing this Nuclear Summit through. I know I have often been critical of Obama's first year, mostly because he choose to send more troops to Afghanistan, yet I have recently been more proud than ever that I voted for him... So once again, here's to you Mr. Barack Obama!

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