Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Top 25 Most Difficult Elden Ring Bosses

I'm proud to say I completed all 30 Legendary and Elite Bosses in the game (some of which were optional) all of which were listed in the PlayStation Achievement Guide. I found some of the bosses to be quite easy while others nearly drove me to madness. Some of these fights I was probably under-leveled but too stubborn to walk away. While others it seemed were just difficult no matter my level. Here is the top 25 most notable bosses I fought in the game, ranking them by difficulty.  

25. Dragonskin Soldier of Nokstella

This was an optional Great Boss located in the Siofra River. He was one of several bosses I hunted after defeating the game (already at about level 130 by this point). I found it difficult to find him and needed some YouTube guidance, however once I did I was easily able to defeat him on my first try. I honestly don't remember too much from this battle.  

24. Valiant Gargoyles

Another optional Great Boss, located in Nokron the Eternal City that I hunted after beating the game. Once again I needed some help from YouTube to locate them and once again I was able to defeat the boss on my first tree. Aside from having to fight two giant stone gargoyles at a time, there wasn't too much memorable in this one for me. 

23. Lichdragon Fortissax

This was another optional Great Boss I defeated on my first try after beating the game. However I needed some guidance from YouTube on where to locate the beast. It was actually more challenging finding the boss, then fighting it, since there was a full questline to undertake pertaining to Fia. This involved unlocking a whole new underground region in the Deeproot Depths, which I missed in my early explorations. The boss itself was easy quite easy aside from the long journey to find him.

22. Morgott the Omen King 

After struggling so much with Margit the Fell Omen, I was more then ready to beat the hell out of this Legendary demigod Boss. I actually bought the Morgott trap early in the game, knowing that I would face this boss once again. However I honestly didn't really need to use it. I believe he did beat me once, as I do remember him dropping his classic line one, of putting my blind ambitions to rest. But I'm quite sure I beat him on the second try. 

21. Beast Clergyman/Maliketh, the Black Blade 

Getting thru Farum Azula was a very challenging region towards the end of the game with many fierce enemies. However surprisingly the main legendary boss Maliketh was not all that difficult for me. He begins as the Beast Clergyman then transforms into some form of beastly black panther that jumps and springs everywhere while slashing his giant fire sword. I saw this boss ranked a lot higher on other lists, but for me he was quite easy and didn't take me more than a couple tries to defeat him.   

20. Godfrey/Hoarah Loux

By the time I had arrived to Leyendall Ashen Capital towards the end of the game, I had defeated a string of bosses all rather easily. This included Maliketh from Farum Azula, followed by Sir Gideon, and then came the legendary boss, Godfrey the first Elden Lord. In his second phase Godfrey transforms into a lion warrior known as Hoarah Loux, but still was fairly easy to defeat. I think it might have taken me a couple tries t to defeat him. I knew then, it was too easy and the boss to follow would be the penultimate challenge to beat the game. 

19. Borealis, the Freezing Fog

This was another great boss I decided to hunt after defeating the game, and actually found him on my own while navigating the snow lands. Despite my high level with a maxed out weapon and mimic spirit ash, I still found this enemy to be quite challenging. That was due to his frost AOE (area-of-effect) which quickly caused severe frostbite damage. With the help of Torrent however, I eventually got a good routine of getting behind him to hack away at his legs. This was the same strategy that worked for the fire giant and other dragons throughout the game. This enemy reminded me of the Game of Thrones White Walker dragon.  

18. Mohg, Lord of Blood 

He was an optional legendary demigod boss located in the firey Mohgwyn Palace. I actually found him and defeated him without any help from YouTube. I believe it did take me several attempts and found his magical attacks to be quite unpredictable. He use of fire and blood attacks, would quickly deduct major health. I think after a few tries I came to understand his rhythm and maybe just got lucky as I've seen this boss also listed quite high on other lists. 

17. Godskin Noble 

This was one of the more vile great bosses in the game, an overweight clergyman with a giant tail located within the Volcano Manor. Despite his layers of flab he can still move very fast and can quickly diminish your health in a string of attacks. I remember he had an annoying fat roll and a deadly rapier thrust. I think this one did take me a few tries but I finally got it right and was glad to be done with this grotesque beast.  

16. Dragonlord Placidusax 

I hunted for this Great Boss, after beating the game, and he was without question the most challenging postgame enemies I faced. Located in Farum Azula, I needed some help from YouTube to locate him. And even despite my high level it took me quite a few attempts to finally beat him. He had some deadly lightning AOE attacks and would quickly kill my mimic ash. What especially made this boss frustrating was a rather lengthy boss run of dodging a few powerful enemies and then having to jump down several floating rocks. It was having to repeat these lengthy boss runs again-and-again that could often make a boss fight all the more maddening.    

15. Red Wolf of Radagon

The Academy of Raya Lucaria was especially difficult to navigate no thanks to the creepy crawling giant hands and the 3-headed sorcerers. I remember this was one of the areas I would just run thru to hit the save points. One of the Great Bosses located in this academy was the Red Rolf of Radagon who was also quite difficult. He was extremely fast and could also throw various magical projectiles at you. This was probably the third major boss I defeated in the game, and I felt quite good that it took me a lot less time then Margit and Godric. 

14. Royal Knight Loretta

I remember facing this great ghostly boss towards my early phase of exploring the game and quickly decided I was not at the right level yet. I especially didn't like to linger long in the magical region of Caria Manor. When I decided to return to face her with a higher level, I still found her to be quite difficult with his magical attacks. I remember this boss was one of several instances throughout the game where I had an enemy's health bar down to a fraction of a centimeter, then died. That is one of the most frustrating things to bounce back from. 
13. Godskin Duo

The region of Farum Azura was one of the most difficult areas in the game, and the Godskin Duo was no exception. It was already difficult enough to face them individually earlier in the game, but having to face them together at once was all the more challenging. I remember this was another fight where I quickly realized I was under-leveled and decided to walk away. The second go-around was still quite challenging and took me quite a few attempts to finally defeat both of them.    

12. Astel, Natural born of the Void

This was one of the more surprising victories I achieved throughout the game. The underground Nokstella Eternal City, especially it's Lake of Rot were challenging to navigate thru and also very hellish. I actually found this legendary boss without any assistance from YouTube, when I curiously entered a coffin that transported me to some magical realm known as the Void. I knew right away this was a very unusual boss with his spooky skull face and insect-like body. It was quite a mesmerizing setting like on a giant lake surrounded by the stars. Despite his many magical projectiles I courageously charged right at him and slashed the heck out of him. I think it only took me two or three tries to defeat him. I believe this boss was meant to be a lot more difficult but maybe I just got a good sequence of dodges and attacks to beat him before I died. 

11. Rykard, Lord of Blasphemy 

This legendary demigod boss located in the Volcano Manor, probably wins the most horrifying boss award. His first phase as the God-Devouring Serpent was actually not too difficult once I figured out how to use the serpent sword. However his transformation into Rykard, with his monstrous face in the serpent's body took things to the next level. At this point the projectiles of fire and magic led to utter chaos, especially when the red skulls chase after you. This was a lengthy two phase boss fight, and I was glad to get it done with after maybe an hour or so.  

10. Starscourge Radahn

This was the third major demigod I faced after defeating Godric and Renalla and actually only took me about 15 tries. He was still challenging no doubt about it, but compared to my previous legendary boss fights I was very happy to have defeated him so quickly. I actually enjoyed this fight outside the Castle Redmane of Caelid. It was nice to have Torrent for a boss fight and to call upon the aid of spirit warriors as we all charged into battle. Radahn was no doubt one of the strongest imposing adversaries but I think having allies made this fight a lot easier for me. Once I was able to past his giant arrow shots, the rest was just slash, run, dodge, and slash some more. I always loved to fight with Torrent, since I could easily do hit-and-run slashes without any effect.   

9. Godskin Apostle

This was an example of a great boss, that I was probably under leveled for but stubbornly decided to fight anyway. I spent several hours fighting this guy before I had to accept defeat and just walk away.  I think I just really disliked the cultish setting of the Windmill village of Dominula, where mad witches danced around. This fight was one on horse, and I felt I could easily use my hit-and-run tactics to defeat this magical phantom. However ultimately I just think I was not causing enough damage and unable to outlast his many magical attacks. I returned to him much later in the game, when I had signiciantly leveled up, and easily defeated him on my first try. However it was that first phase for me that made this boss so challenging.   

8. Draconic Tree Sentinel

Here was another example of a boss where I was significantly under leveled, but still thought I could outlast him. Knowing I needed to defeat him to enter Leyendell, I really wanted to take this guy down early in the game. I also thought having Torrent would work in my favor, and I could just play the long-game with him. I even established a tactical strategy with the help of my jellyfish spirit ash. However after several hours of stubborn denial I only once came close to beating him. I just couldn't cause enough damage to outlast his magical attacks. Having to walk away from that fight was quite upsetting but I once again returned to him much later in the game and easily defeated him. 
7. Margit the Fell Omen

This was obviously my first major boss fight in the game, and one I spent many hours on. It's one of the few bosses I genuinely came to hate, and found myself fighting with rage over tactics. I think it was his creepy goatlike face, his giant staff, and having to hear him speak the same line again-and-again after killing me, "Put these Foolish Ambitions to Rest". After a first trial, I had to move on from him for a while to further explore and level up. On the second trial I still struggled to fight him and believe I just barely beat him with the wandering nobles spirit ash. I remember there was somehow still a noble left at the end when it was all over. At this point I knew what a challenge I was in for but also just proved to myself that I could endure it. 

6. Fire Giant 

I remember taking on this legendary boss on Super Bowl Sunday in the snow covered regions of the giants. At first I felt pretty good about the fight, as this was later in the game, where I had gotten comfortable with my bloodhound sword and was easily defeating enemies and bosses. I actually felt I would enjoy this fight, since I could use Torrent once again, and the whole snowy setting with it's violin score reminded me of Game of Thrones. However after an hour or so I realized this guy was no pushover and had an extremely durable body. My strategy was to slash at his foot from behind but he had various area-of-effect fire assaults where I often got caught up in which led to instant death. In his second phase his chest turns into a one-eyed cyclops monster, who goes on even more fiery assaults. I knew early on I could beat this guy and was coming close several times, but found it difficult to strike him amidst his many different fire attacks. After several hours I had to walk away from this fight to catch the opening of the Super Bowl, but returned later that evening to finally defeat him.   

5. Godric the Grafted

After struggling to navigate thru Stormveil Castle I had a good sense I was in for yet another very challenging fight. I remember by this point I had finally come to understand the game, had leveled up, and had enlisted the jellyfish as my spirit ash of choice. I think it was a Saturday or a Sunday afternoon where I spent hours fighting this one boss. I eventually got pretty good at understanding his various attack sequences and finding the right times to dodge and attack. However his second phase was even more challenging when he chops off his arm to replace it with a dragon's head. At this point it was not only a melee fight, but also having to run for dear life to escape deadly fire assaults. This was a very lengthy fight in a eerie graveyard, which made it especially frustrating with each defeat. I changed strategies multiple times, until finally just having a good run. I believe it was close once again, but I was so thrilled to defeat this legendary demigod.  

4. Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon 

This was one of the most frustrating boss fights for me, due to it's very lengthy boss run. I would say it was probably the longest boss run in the game, which I had to do many times. This Legendary Boss in the Raya Lucaria Academy had the potential to be a pretty cool fight. Known as the Moon Queen, she did have a hypnotic allure to her, especially in the 2nd phase surrounded by a mystical, starry sky. The first phase took me a little bit to figure out as her many clones sing a lullaby that sounds like a song from Sound of Music. They hurl magical projectiles and books that cause minor damage, but it's the giant blasts from the Queen that can be instant death in this phase. After many attempts I actually got thru this phase pretty easily, however the 2nd part was an entirely different fight in a new location. This time the Queen took on her full form, as a powerful sorceress with an array of magical spirt casting spells. This was one of three boss fights, that I felt properly leveled for but just couldn't get it done in the first trial and had to go to bed defeated. I think what especially made this fight so challenging was the lengthy boss run, and then a very lengthy fight. Each loss was so very discouraging, especially when I came very close several times to defeating her. When I finally did have the perfect run, I believe it was still quite close, but I had finally defeated her and felt an extreme rush of jubilation in that moment. 

3. Malenia, Blade of Miquella 

I've seen this legendary boss considered as the number one most difficult boss on many lists, and it was not until I actually defeated her that I read that. She was no doubt very challenging, as she was advertised by Sir Gideon as an undefeated Valkyrie demigod. I honestly wasn't too intimidated by her early on, however just felt I had to survive her windstorm sword attacks. During this sequence she would go into a maddening tornado of sword attacks, impossible to doge, which would often lead to instant death. However I quickly realized she had a weakness in slow recovery, and my best strategy would be an all out offense to not allow her to perform her spinning strikes. I did everything I could to improve my endurance, and capitalize on attacks when she was focused on my mimic spirit ash. Her 2nd phase was of course equally challenging as it went into more of a magical scarlet rot attack with her continued sword attacks. After several hours I felt I might be in trouble with this boss, but then just out of nowhere had a good run and killed her in the nick of time. 

2. Commander Niall

I remember Castle Sol was quite challenging with many difficult ghostly knights but I was proud of myself for navigating it without any YouTube tips. However then I came to Commander Niall and all good feelings I had achieved were instantly lost once again. This was probably one of the second longest boss runs in the game, after Rennalla. However what made this boss so unusually difficult was the fact that I was going up against three very powerful bosses at once. Niall would summon two very large ghostly knights that would frequently kill me
before I could even start at Niall. This game is difficult fighting any level of multiple enemies at a time, now consider fighting multiple bosses. This was an example where I had to really develop a strategy to defeat them individually. I used all forms of gadgetry, weapon grease, rune arcs, and any advantage I could find. I know my level was right, however I still spent hours the first attempt and could not even come halfway at Commander Niall's health bar. I ran out of time on my first trial, and had to go to bed defeated. I of course studied on my free time some tips on how to beat this guy. I finally found a solution in using some magic branches that would convert one of the knights to my side. This way I was able to use him to get a few key hits on the Commander early on. From then on I would call upon my mimic spirt ash, and keep my distance from his magical frost storms. Although this was not a legendary boss I sure as heck felt like he should have been. 

1. Radagon of the Golden Order/Elden Beast Legendary Boss

Towards the end of the game I actually had gotten quite confident in my fighting skills. By the time I got to the Leyendell Ashen Capital, I was at around level 125 and easily defeated a string of major bosses such as Maliketh, Sir Gideon, and Godfrey. I of course knew the final boss would be challenging, but maybe my character's attributes were a point where I could overcome those challenges. That was definitely not the case, and the Radagon/Elden Beast boss fight was fittingly the hardest fight for me. This was a marathon of two very difficult phases, where every movement was key. Radagon was more a melee combat with lightning damage, while the Elden Beast was just a full on magical assault. I spent at least five hours on the first trial against this boss and had to go to bed very frustrated in defeat. The next day I did my research and decided to level up my attributes and got to around level 130 when I faced him a 2nd time. I also changed my armor and talismans to have stronger lightning negation. I had gotten much better at dodging Radagon's hammer assaults, and made it to the Elden Beast with about 6 health flasks left. From here I developed a strategy to use Torrent in certain parts of the fight, such as the circular fire rings, but not the up close fighting. It still took me many attempts on my 2nd trial, but I think having Torrent and some proper lightning negation is what did the trick. I was so thrilled to have beaten this epic boss, but also to have beaten one of the hardest games I've ever played.  

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