Monday, January 2, 2023

Movie Review: Avatar: Way of Water

After 13 years of anticipation the Avatar sequel, Way of Water was finally was released this past December. Director James Cameron broke all the records with his groundbreaking release in 2009 for the most expensive movie and the highest grossing film of all time. The movie was much acclaimed for it's sci-fi story and more-so it's incredible special effects. Despite some comparisons to Fergunlly, it became a very successful blockbuster. I think I must have seen it at least twice in theaters and have always enjoyed the movie, especially for it's feel-good quality. 

It was well known for some time that there would be a sequel and that Cameron himself wanted to take his time on it. Not only for the visual effects but also for a story that could continue to grow on his Pandora Universe. Of course there was likely some delays due to the Covid pandemic. It's fair to say now after watching this sequel, Cameron has delivered on the long-awaited anticipation and has created another awe-inspiring film. 

I was excited to see the previews last fall and knew I wanted to catch this one in theatres. It's been several years since I've seen a movie in the theaters, since before the pandemic (maybe Avengers: End Game in 2019). I was able to get Benjamin and William to watch it with me and we were treated to the 3D experience. We went to the AMC in Castleton and caught the noon showing. I treated us to some popcorn. I really wasn't sure what to expect from the story, only that it would be another visual extravaganza. 

I can say upfront that the movie was well worth the money and anticipation. Cameron has once again delivered a groundbreaking film of action, fantasy, special effects, and intrigue. He has expanded on his Pandora Universe with this newest chapter pertaining to the Na'vi species. The story skims forward a bit in time as Jake Sully and his wife Neytiri now have a family in the forests of Pandora. Ever since the great battle in the first movie the humans "sky-people" have left the planet and the Na'vi have experienced some time of peace. They raise five children, 2 sons, a daughter, an adopted daughter from the scientist Grace's avatar, and an adopted human son (who happens to be the son of the villain Colonel Miles). 

However the peace-times is short-lived as the human "skypeople" are forced to return to Pandora since the planet Earth is dying. They arrive with heavy machinery and weapons prepared to colonize the planet. They also enlist a group of avatar marines to hunt down the Na'vi hostiles led by Jake Sully. Although the evil Col Miles was killed in the first movie, his DNA has been placed in an avatar for a more potent warrior. So Col Miles has most of his memories from the first movie, including his knowledge of Pandora and his hate for Jake Sully and the Na'vi people. He is just as bad and wicked as before and leads a group of deadly marines who are even more deadly in their Na'vi avatar bodies.

Jake Sully is able to lead several successful raids against the skypeople however he later discovers that Col Miles is hunting him and his family. In a confrontation with Miles, Sully is able to save his children however the young human Spider is kidnapped by Miles(who would technically be like a father to him). Sully decides it is in the best interest of his family and his forest tribe that they go far away into hiding. So he and Neytiri travel to a far off island where the Na'vi are more intune with the water. Jake Sully and his family quickly adapt to the ways of the water tribe and find peace for a little while. 

However Col Miles is able to eventually track the Sully's down and enlists the help of some whale hunters to attack the water tribes. Col Miles kidnaps the kids once again which leads to an epic confrontation between the human skypeople and the water Na'vi. The battle sequences in this movie were very exciting edge-of-your-seat stuff. While the Na'vi hold the superior natural warriors ability, the skypeople have the superior weaponry. The eldest Sully son tragically dies in the battle, however the Sully family does not have time to mourn for him. They have to save their daughters from the wicked Col Miles.

The final confrontation on the sinking ship is an exciting one and requires the entire family to work together to defeat the evil Col Miles (including Spider). Jake is able to finally defeat Col Miles in the water however is very weakened by the fight. He is later saved by his son who are transported to safety by one of the outcast whales. The victory is somewhat short-lived however when Spider decides to rescue his dying father from the bottom of the water. He then parts ways with Col Miles and returns to the Sully family. Col Miles is able to return to the skypeople base which of course keeps the story open for another sequel. The Sully family are happy to be rid of Col Miles for a while and mourn their son with the water tribe. Jake then decides he will continue the fight against the skypeople and is no longer going to hide. 

The story wasn't quite as magical and awe-inspiring as the first one, but it still has some great suspence. The spiritual connection of life and nature was once again a driving theme, where the Na'vi really understood this deep balance. Also the special effects were obviously even more impressive then before especially watching the movie in 3D. To experience this fantasy world of Pandora really stirs the imagination ,on par with that of Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, or Harry Potter. This movie delivers once again on that adventurous thrill and beauty that makes fantasy genres so great. I look forward to watching more Avatar movies and really hope they continue to expand on this Pandora universe. 

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