Monday, September 7, 2015

100 Reasons I love to Run

With another fall training season upon me, I thought it was the perfect time to give homage to the sport of running. I've been wanting to make this tribute for some time now, and figured the timing was perfect as I began another fall training series. (Already registered for the Baca Bolt and Monumental and hoping to get another race in run another one as well). The fall is always my favorite season to run.

The concept of running is a funny thing. It's usually perceived in two ways by people; they either hate it or they love it. To many it's a boring and overly strenuous form of exercise. In some regards this is a fair generalization as running is about as simple and repetitive of an exercise as there is. It is also one of the most demanding since the motion is fully generated by the body, without any added support (unlike the water from swimming or the bike in cycling). 

However just like any exercise the whole purpose is to step out of your comfort zone. And running is the ultimate exercise since it blends cardio with muscle toning. However it takes time to get a feel for the sport. With running there is certainly a beginning stage of adjusting and getting the body into shape which can often take weeks to months depending on the body type. To get to a place where you can actually enjoy the many benefits of running can often take years of training. 

I've been running competitively since my 8th grade year, when I was 14. After I finished track and field in high school I switched over to long distance road races. It did not take me long to realize the many benefits of running. So without further ado here goes my well thought out list,. Next time somebody asks or jokes or doesn't quite understand the reasoning behind it, here's a look at my 100 reasons why I run.

  1. To feel good
  2. To exercise
  3. To get outdoors
  4. To listen to music
  5. To strengthen my muscles
  6. To lose weight
  7. To train for races
  8. To run with my dog Cochie
  9. To run and connect with others
  10. To let out stress
  11. To reflect on the day
  12. To see people
  13. To be seen by people
  14. To feel free
  15. To record data (overall time, splits, calories burnt, etc)
  16. To have multiple courses
  17. To improve on times, splits, and courses
  18. To feel strong
  19. To meet people
  20. To compete with family and friends
  21. To talk about with other people
  22. To feel proud of my accomplishments
  23. To encourage others to partake
  24. To release endorphins
  25. To achieve the runner's high (transcendence of the body and mind in motion)
  26. To feel fast
  27. To improve my mood
  28. To showoff the gear (represent a shirt)
  29. To sleep better
  30. To improve my posture
  31. To build survival skills
  32. To get closer to God
  33. To appreciate the weather (hot, warm, rainy, cool, cold, snowy, or freezing)
  34. To appreciate the surrounding environment (the sky, trees, animals, water, etc)
  35. To see hot women
  36. To feel better about myself
  37. To have a hobby
  38. To have something I'm good at
  39. To break new personal records
  40. To race with other people
  41. To enjoy another person's company thru social exercising
  42. To feel motivated
  43. To motivate others
  44. To take on new challenges
  45. To set goals
  46. To build my confidence
  47. To test my will power
  48. To have a better diet (such as not drinking pop or eating better to run faster)
  49. To stay clear of drugs
  50. To stay clear of smoking
  51. To stay fit
  52. To stay lean
  53. To stay quick
  54. To stay sharp
  55. To feel comfortable
  56. To feel a sense of routine and familiarity
  57. To think of others
  58. To think of the past, the present, and the future
  59. To sweat
  60. To release anger
  61. To release sadness
  62. To smile
  63. To show pride and strength
  64. To show humility and pain
  65. To be in shape for soccer 
  66. To be in shape for triathlons
  67. To be disciplined
  68. To feel inspired
  69. To inspire others
  70. To enhance the state of peace afterwards
  71. To feel aroused
  72. To feel grateful
  73. To stretch out the legs and the body
  74. To feel a sense of belonging 
  75. To feel sane
  76. To be in control of one's body
  77. To be in control of one's mind
  78. To push oneself to new limits
  79. To discover new feelings 
  80. To return to old feelings of nostalgia
  81. To overcome adversity
  82. To hang on at difficult times
  83. To coast along at good times
  84. To pace at a comfortable level
  85. To surge and kick when the time is right
  86. To ease off when the pain becomes unbearable
  87. To feel strong for others
  88. To make others proud
  89. To kill time
  90. To get away
  91. To give off good vibes and energy to others
  92. To take on good vibes and energy from others
  93. To stay healthy
  94. To stay active
  95. To strengthen my bones
  96. To live longer
  97. To breathe better
  98. To increase stamina
  99. To feel happy
  100. To feel alive
This is my personal list, and the many reasons why I choose to run. I think many of these reasons are quite common among runners, however each person has reasons of their own (such as running with their children or for the loss of a loved one).  I've been running for over 10 years now, and I'm sure the list will change as does my life. One things for sure I have no intention whatsoever of hanging up the shoes anytime soon. I hope to be running long into my 60s and 70s.  This list was fairly easy to come up with, which is a true testament to the wonderful hobby of running. 

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