Monday, June 22, 2015

Movie Review: Jurassic World

Every summer I try to watch at least one major blockbuster in theaters. These fast-paced, explosive, action films are the stuff that inspired me as a young kid and are best appreciated on the big screen. (Movies such as Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Batman, Spiderman, X-Men, Matrix, to name a few) Now-a-days I don't go to the theaters near as much as I use to, however if it's something big and special I'll make the extra effort. It always brings me a great feel of nostalgia, and reminds me of my high school days with my good friend, Sergio. We were both huge movie nerds in high school, and developed a pretty good system to get the most out of Rave Motion Pictures.

Well the nostalgic feeling was in full swing this past weekend for two reasons. First because I was revisiting the homefront of Rave Motion Pictures, now known as Carmike. And 2nd because I was revisiting a new installment to the classic Jurassic Park series I enjoyed as a child. When I first saw previews for the new Jurassic World I knew I would have to catch it in theaters and couldn't fall behind on the hype. And so on it's 2nd weekend of release (after shattering the box office records on it's first) I caught it with Andres and Jackie and was very satisfied. It had all the successful blockbuster components; great special effects, great comedy, action, and an all around thrilling story.

This action thriller is the newest and latest installment of the Jurassic Park series, making it part 4. In a way it's more of a revamping of the series, similar to Christopher Nolan's Batman series or the Daniel Craig James Bond series. The premise of Jurassic World is quite similar to the original 1993 Speilberg film. The dinosaur theme park has re-opened with bigger and badder enhancements, which ultimately leads to complete chaos. A whole new slay of characters take center stage in this film, however there are still many references to the original film.

As a young boy I was very intrigued by dinosaurs. When my parents took me to the library, all I wanted to read about was dinosaurs. I would study all the names, draw and write about them, and enjoyed any movie about dinosaurs (Fantasia and Land Before Time). I was 9 years old when Jurassic Park was released in 1993, and remember it being a very thrilling experience. However the sequels The Lost World in 1997 and Jurassic Park III in 2001 weren't near as good as the first one. Nonetheless I still enjoyed all three since they provided groundbreaking special effects and thrilling experiences. So naturally I was excited to hear they were revamping the series with a new release.

The film is once again set in Costa Rica (with some very familiar landscapes). This time the story is driven by a new lead star in Chris Pratt. I was quite surprised to see that this goofball from Parks and Rec, made for a very good Indiana Jones style hero. His likable character blends a Navy Seal operative, a fossil raptor trainer, and a just bad-ass persona, all packaged with a good sense of humor. I think this break-thru performance should pave the way for him as a lead blockbuster actor. There's also the park director, played by Bryce Dallas Howard and her two young nephews that are caught in the midst of the action. The kids in the film also play a central force of the film, by capturing the spirit of adventure that is Jurassic Park.

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