Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Dave Matthews Band Concert

So EJ came up with the idea, sometime in April, that we should all go as a group to see Dave Matthews Band in concert. This was of course a brilliant idea, since our college group of friends, were all obsessed with DMB music. It has also been on my bucket-list for a very long time now, yet just needed some drive and planning. I requested the days off from baseball and was fully on board for the weekend. Lauren was able to give me a good deal on tickets from her work, $65 for the lawn. I was finally set to experience one of my favorite modern day musicians live in concert with my best friends, and it did not disappoint!

That afternoon I drove over to Matt Turrow’s parents’ house, where they were hosting a very nice pool-pre-party. I brought a case of corona, some Jalapeno chips, and my swimming shorts. Our group consisted of Lauren, Nate, Lindsay Scott, Brian Vought, Matt Turrow, Jess Turrow, EJ, Karlan, Don, and myself. We listened to DMB music, swam, played card games, and a little bit of flippy cup. By around 4ish, we were all feeling pretty good and drove to the venue.

We then set up in the parking lot, for phase 2 of the party, the tailgate. By this point I had a very good buzz going. We had hot dogs, and continued to play more drinking games. It was very sunny out, yet I was feeling good and having such a blast before the concert had even begun. We then made our way into the venue around 6ish. I remember the line was very long and slow getting in, but I was having quite a good time with all the random people around. Everyone around us was so friendly, happy, and just as excited as we all were. We even saw Brad Bauman (Chewie) and some other old Luers friends.
By the time I got into the venue, I went to the bathroom one more time, then bought two large Coors lights, for EJ & Myself. However when I got out of the bathroom, I suddenly realized that I was separated from the group. This could have been a night killer, yet I remained calm and did no panic. I walked for a little bit, in search of the group, yet knew it was a long shot. Luckily I was able to use some reason, and call Lauren. She told me where they were, and after a few more minutes of searching I found them. I was very happy that this didn’t turn into a major debacle. 

We were in a sea of people, in the open gorge that is Klipsh Music Center. It is a giant hill that surrounds a large stage. The rest of our group eventually caught up, and by around 7ish, everyone was gathered in our spot. And I kid you not, as soon as our group was all accounted for, the band come out on stage, and opened with “Seven”. This was a surreal moment, of total bliss and happiness. There was a loud roar from the fans, and I was so happy to be in the middle of it all. 

The Setlist
  • Seven
  • Why I Am
  • You Never Know
  • Seek Up
  • The Song that Jane Likes
  • Pig
  • Spaceman
  • Cornbread
  • Dancing Nancies
  • Warehouse
  • Stay or Leave
  • Fool to Think
  • Jimi Thing
  • Shake me Like a Monkey
  • If Only
  • Two Step
  • Halloween
  • Tripping Billies

The start of each song was a blast of energy within the audience, and within our group. We stood up the entire show, singing and dancing, never sitting down. I won’t lie this became a little difficult after a while, since we were on a hill, and I also grew very thirsty half way through the show. Yet each song carried me, and made me stronger and happier. There was such a lively energy throughout the crowd, and everyone was singing and dancing together, as brothers and sisters. At one point a girl invited us to dance on her blanket, and K-man and myself happily obliged. EJ and myself were clapping, keeping a beat, and coming up with all sorts of energetic expression. We brought out my famous “Invisible snowball dance” which spread throughout the audience quite amazingly. However the best part of the night came during a new song debut “If Only” where our entire group was clapping, dancing, and singing to the beat. It was sensational moment, and a blissful experience. I haven't had this much fun since Philip and Shawnna's Wedding and I hope to go again sometime. Dave Matthews Band is simply amazing!

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