Thursday, April 7, 2011

Book Review: The Two Towers

The Two Towers is split up into two separate adventures happening simultaneously. In Book III, the story continues into the lands of Rohan. Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas pursue the band of orcs that have captured Merry and Pippin. For three days they run cross-country, without much rest, until finally they cross paths with some Riders of Rohan. Their leader, Eomer, informs the three that they recently slayed a group of orcs, and left none alive. They begin to fear the worse, that Merry and Pippen were also killed in the battle.

Merry and Pippen however manage to escape from the orcs, and flee into Fanghorn Forest. There they meet an ent, a tree herder, named Treebeard. Although suspcious at first, Treebeard takes the two hobbits under his protection. Meanwhile Aragorn, Legoals, and Gimli journeyed into the forest still trying to hunt for the lost hobbits. It is there that they reunite with Gandalf, whom had now transcended into a white wizard. Gandalf informs the three that the hobbits are safe, and a new task is at hand.

Gandalf, Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas travel to Edoras, the center of Rohan, where they discover that King Theoden, has been befuddled by evil sorcery, the product of Saruman. Under the evil sway of Wormtounge, Theoden has lost all his ability to reason and lead his people. Gandalf is able to reveal his new powers as a white wizard, and remove Saruman's control of Theoden. Theoden re-awakes to discover that his people are in danger from Saruman. He decides to evacuate his people to the fortress of Helms Deep. Gandalf leaves to find reinforcements, while Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli stay with the people of Rohan. A massive army of 10,000 Uruk-Hai lay seige on the walls of Helms Deep. In the early morning Gandalf arrives with Eomer and an army of Rohirrim, and they are able to charge and defeat the orc army.

Meanwhile the ents discover that Saruman has laid serious waste to their forest, and out of sudden anger, Treebeard leads an attack on Isengard. Without any army to protect him, the ents quickly consume the tower of Orthanc, and are able to capture Saruman. The following day, Gandalf, Theoden, and the others arrive to Isengard to discover that Saruman is being kept prisoner by the ents. Gandfalf strips Saruman of his power, and requests that he remains a prisoner in the tower. Merry and Pippin finally rejoin the group, however stumble across a seeing-stone known as a palantir. In the stone Pippin sees the plans of the dark lord Sauron, and the coming seige of Gondor. Gandalf travles with Pippin to the white city of Minas Tirith.

In Book IV, we continue with the quest of the ring. Having left the hill of Amon Hen, Sam and Frodo quickly discover that they do not know the way to Mordor, and are quite lost. They eventually are able to capture the creature Gollum, who has been following them in hunt of the ring. As their prisoner, Gollum promises to guide the hobbits to Mount Doom. Sam is suspicious of the sly creature, yet Frodo grows to understand him and have pity on him.

The three journey through the dead marshes, and come to the black gate of Mordor. Yet at the last moment Gollum informs them that their is a secret path through the mountains, known as Cirith Ungol. On their way to the hidden path they run into a band of rangers from Gondor, led by Faramir. Faramir happens to be the brother of Boromir, and is quite curious about the hobbits' affair. Frodo finally confesses that he is on a quest to destroy the ring of power. Faramir is able to overcome his urge to take the ring, and allows the hobbits to continue on.

Once they come to the tunnel in the mountains, Golllum abandons the hobbits, to become prey of the deadly spider Shelob. Shelob is able to pierce Frodo, however Sam bravely comes to his master's rescue, and is able to defeat the spider. Believing Frodo to be dead, Sam must make a difficult decision, to strip Frodo of his ring, and continue on with the quest. He however later discovers, that Frodo is still alive, and has only been stunned. The orcs capture Frodo and take him to the tower of Cirith Ungol.

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