Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Historical Look: The Culper Ring

I just finished watching Turn: Washington's Spies, a top quality historical drama set during the American Revolutionary War. The series was released from 2014-2017 with four seasons and 40 episodes. The content mixes historical settings with some fiction and is based off the book by Alexander Rose, Washington's Spies: America's First Spy Network. Just as the title suggests it tells the story of a group of spies working for Washington, attempting to infiltrate British intelligence. For anyone who is a history nerd or admires a good period piece I would highly recommend this series.

Washington's Need for Spies

Long before the CIA, FBI, or even the Pinktertons could be established as effective government intelligence agencies, there was a spy network that played a vital role in America's War for Independence. It was born from the Sons of Liberty as a secretive means to infiltrate the British military occupants. These intelligence gathering missions were a necessary tool for Gen George Washington and the Continental Army to stand a chance against the mighty British army. However the risk was deadly, as was the case for Nathan Hale in 1776, who was captured and hanged by British officers. Nathan's dying words, "My only regret is that I have but one life to give" became a rallying cry for further revolutionary spirit. 

By 1778 George Washington founded a new spy network in New York with the sole purpose to acquire British military intelligence. The organization was based out of Setauket and New York City. It's leading member was Major Benjamin Tallmadge a trusted officer of the Continental Army. Tallmadge recruited childhood friends whom he could trust such as Abraham Woodhull, Caleb Brewster, and later Robert Townshend. They all shared information discretely thru letters, codes, couriers, and secret alias and thus they became known as the Culper Spy Ring. It was the most effective and successful spy network during the American Revolution.

Key Members of the Culper Ring

Major Benjamin Tallmadge: He was the leader of the organization based out of Setauket to acquire intel from the British occupied region and deliver it to New York City and the Continental Army

Abraham Woodhull: He was one of Benjamin Tallmadge's most trusted friends in the ring and collected information from New York to relay to Tallmadge via coded letters and a secret courier system

Austin Roe: He was a tavern keeper and courier who delivered messages from Setauket to New York City, posing as a merchant to avoid suspicion

Caleb Brewster: Worked as a courier on a whaleboat, carrying messages between Tallmadge and Woodhull from Setauket to New York City

Robert Townshend: Joined the network in 1779 and posed as a Loyalist merchant in New York City. He was able to acquire British information as a society journalist

Anna Strong: Her role was to send signal to the whaleboat courier when a message was ready. She did this by placing a black petticoat on a clothesline, which could be seen from the Long Island Sound

Exposing British Planned Attack of Newport 

The Culper Spy Ring was the most successful spy organization for both British and Continental Armies during the war. They succeed in providing the most information for the longest duration of time (1778-1783) without any of it's members being caught. While they played a crucial part in exposing many British military plots there were two achievements in particular that played a pivotal role for the Continental Army.

The first major achievement was that of exposing Britain's plans to attack the arriving French armies at Rhode Island. In July of 1780 the French navy under the leadership of Admiral Chevalier de Ternay was preparing to arrive in Rhode Island and begin it's campaign to aid the Continental Army. On board this navy were approximately 6000 soldiers under the command of General Comte de Rochambeau. However the British General Henry Clinton planned to welcome the French army with his full military and navy force at the port island of Newport, crushing them before they could settle and build their defenses.

The arrival of the French military support was vital to General George Washington and he relied on all the information he could gather in the New York harbor regarding British military movements. It was the Culper Spy Ring that came thru in delivering on Washington's request. The information was gathered by Townshend who noticed large British ground forces gathering on Long Island. He passed the urgent letter to the courier Roe, who rode 55 miles on horseback to the town of Setauket, to deliver the message to Woodhull. Woodhull then delivered the message to Brewster telling him it was the most urgent message he has ever received. Brewster bypassed Tallmadge, to make up time, and the message was quickly delivered at the Connecticut Shore to the hands of Alexander Hamilton.

This information quickly made it to Gen Washington, who quickly planned a decoy offensive to draw the British armies away from Newport. Washington devised a bluff offensive on New York City which caused Gen Clinton to withdraw his plan, and ultimately allowed the French navy to arrive at Newport without any hindrance. It was thanks to this information provided by the Culper Spy Ring, that the French military was able to secure it's military alliance with the Americans that played a crucial role in defeating the British.

Exposing Benedict Arnold

The second and perhaps more famous achievement by the Culper Spy Ring was that of exposing the infamous traitor Benedict Arnold and his counterpart John Andre. In 1780 Gen Benedict Arnold had proven himself with the American Continental Army and was granted the command of the important strategic post of West Point in New York.

However Benedict Arnold was conflicted with past encounters as well as from his Loyalist wife, Peggy Shippen. By 1779 he began secret communications with British General Henry Clinton with a plot to surrender West Point. Clinton assigned the British Major, John Andre, to become the new British spy chief and work with Arnold to coordinate the surrender of West Point.

Benedict Arnold and his conspicuous wife Peggy Shippen began frequent communications with John Andre. Arnold exposed much of Washington's military movements in writings to Andre. Also during his command Arnold began to subtly weaken the defenses of the West Point military base. In Sept of 1780 Arnold and Andre met in person to discuss these plans, however on his return trip, disguised in civilian clothes, Andre was captured by American militiamen with papers detailing the plot. At which point Major Tallmadge used his Culper Spy Ring intelligence to apprehend Andre and expose Benedict Arnold.

Thanks to the Culper Ring's interception of these plans, Benedict Arnold was exposed for treason. John Andre was hanged as a British spy in October of 1780, and although Benedict Arnold was able to escape the important fort of West Point remained secure in American control. Arnold went on to serve for the British army however became the utmost symbol of American treason. Had it not been thanks to the information provided by the Culper Spy Ring, Benedict Arnold may have succeeded in surrendering West Point or the French army may have never landed in America.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Best Summer Movies

In conclusion to my series on best seasonal films, is those to watch during the summer time. Granted this is a time of the year that is best spent outside; swimming, camping, bbq, baseball games, etc, but as with every season comes it's down time. And just as there are movies that should best be enjoyed during winter time there are also movies that are best enjoyed during summer time.

For me summer is not quite the dream season it use to be when we were children. Back then it represented a time of freedom, free from school, baseball season, and so much free time to do whatever we wanted. As an adult  it's business as usual only hotter temperatures, higher AC bills, rise in dehydration, and more bugs to deal with. On the flip side however it's swimming season, camping seasons, and gardening season all hobbies that I enjoy. The 4th of July holiday is the pinnacle of the summer break that brings friends and families together to celebrate our American patriotism.

Therefore the movies included on this list all incorporate themes of summer; heat, camping, the outdoors, music, freedom, patriotism, romance, and so forth. Whether child or adult summer is ultimately a season of happiness, adventure, and relaxation. I believe these specific movies are best enjoyed during the summer season.

Honorable Mention

  • Training Day: For me most movies that take place in Los Angeles have all the recipes of a summer movie. This is a prime example of a crime film set during a blister summer day in Los Angeles

  • There Will be Blood: It was in summertime when I first saw this masterpiece that takes place in the hot American West

  • LA Neo-Noir Films: Once again these movies set in Los Angeles are the ideal films to watch during summertime. The LA Noir genre incorporates images of the well dressed suave Hollywood lead smoking cigarettes, chasing beautiful blonde women, and fighting gangster criminals
    • Chinatown (1974)
    • The Usual Suspects (1995)
    • LA Confidential (1997)
    • Mulholland Drive (2001)
    • Sin City (2005)
    • Drive (2011)

  • Drug Movies: These movies about cocaine and drug lords, usually have ties to Latin America or Vietnam making for a good summer setting
    • The French Connection (1971)
    • Scarface (1980)
    • Blow (2001)
    • American Gangster (2007)

  • Jurassic Park Movies: These dinosaur thrillers normally take place on a remote tropical island deep in a jungle, an ideal summer setting. They've also always been released during the summer blockbuster season
    • Jurassic Park (1993)
    • The Lost World (1997)
    • Jurassic Park III (2001)
    • Jurassic World (2015)
    • Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018)

  • Shawshank Redemption: This film can be enjoyed about any season, however there are certain summer elements that always stick out to me, especially when the inmates are working on the roof on a hot summer day drinking some suds

10. Independence Day: Just as the title suggests this action movie is a classic summer blockbuster. It takes place all over the world as humanity does battle with invading aliens. However the settings that best resonate in my memory are that of Los Angeles, New York, and the desert all during the hot summer days. To add to the summer theme, the final battle sequence takes place on the 4th of July in which the American president gives an inspiring speech that this day is no longer an independence day for Americans, yet an independence day for all humanity.

9. Judd Apatow Comedies: During my college years it was the frat pack comedy team of Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson, Will Ferrell, and Vince Vaughn that dominated movie comedies. However towards the end of my college time, this group was eventually replaced by the Judd Apatow team of Seth Rogen, James Franco, and Jonah Hill. Most of Judd Apatow's comedy films take place in Los Angeles and usually deal with pot-smoking or chasing girls. They're perfect movies to enjoy during the summer time.
  • Anchorman (2004)
  • 40 Year Old Virgin (2005)
  • Knocked Up (2007) 
  • Superbad (2007)
  • Pineapple Express (2008)
  • Forgetting Sarah Marshall (2009)

8. Superhero Films: There is nothing that screams summer blockbuster quite like a Marvel or DC comics superhero film. Dating back to the release of Spiderman in 2002, it seems that every summer there is at least a couple superhero films that are released during the summer. These movies incorporate themes of comedy, romance, and intense action with expensive special effects. The plot is usually a simple one, the super hero must defeat the super villain to save the world and win the girl.

  • X-Men (2000) X2 (2003) X-Men the Last Stand (2006)
  • Spiderman (2002), Spiderman 2(2004) Spiderman 3 (2007)
  • Batman Begins (2005) The Dark Knight (2008) The Dark Knight Rises (2012)
  • Iron Man (2008) Iron Man 2 (2010) Iron Man 3 (2013)
  • Thor (2011) Thor: The Dark World (2013) Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
  • Captain America (2011) Captain America: Winter Soldier (2013) Captain America: Civil War (2016)
  • X-men First Class (2011) X-men Days of Future Past (2014) X-men Apocalypse (2016)
  • Avengers (2012) Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
  • Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) Guardians of the Galaxy (2017)
  • Man of Steel (2013) Batman vs Superman (2016)
  • Ant Man (2015) Ant Man and the Wasp (2018)
  • Wonder Woman (2017) Justice League (2017)
  • Black Panther (2018)

7. Pulp Fiction: This film could also fall into the LA Neo-noir category or the drug category however it's such a great film that it needs to stand on it's own merit. It's an ideal summer film because it takes place in the hot setting of Los Angeles and deals with drugs and crime. Its the ultimate cool Hollywood film, with a great rock and roll soundtrack, iconic performances by Samuel Jackson and John Travolta, and so many classic quotes.

6. Counterculture Movies: When I think of hippies and the 1960s era, I often associate that time with the "Summer of Love". It was a free-loving time, where women wore flowers in their hair and everybody got high. The counterculture era was influenced by marijuana, the Vietnam War, yet also classic rock music. I'll never forget my first summer out of college in 2007 where I went thru my ultimate classic rock appreciation phase. I came to appreciate the history of this counterculture thru music yet also many iconic movies about the era.

  • The Graduate (1967)
  • Yellow Submarine (1968)
  • Easy Rider (1969)
  • Dazed and Confused (1990)
  • The Doors (1991)
  • Almost Famous (2000)
  • Bobby (2006)
  • Across the Universe (2007)
  • Taking Woodstock (2009)

5. American Revolution Movies: Just as WWII movies are best appreciated around the cold winter time, and Civil war movies around fall time, movies about our independence and the American Revolution are best enjoyed around the 4th of July and the summer season. One could make the case that the 4th of July holiday is the pinnacle of the summer season and the ultimate season to celebrate American culture (fireworks, hot-dogs, baseball, concerts, etc). Memorial weekend is also a significant holiday weekend marking the end of summer and similar to the 4th of July it is a holiday that is celebrating our patriotism. Here are my favorite films regarding the historical topic of the American Revolution.
  • April Morning (1988)
  • The Crossing (2000)
  • The Patriot (2000)
  • John Adams (2008)

4. Grease: This is a classic summer movie, just as the famous song suggests "Summer Loving". Its a romantic musical comedy starring the smooth dancing John Travolta and the famous singer Olivia Newton John. The story revolves around two love-birds and their senior classmates as they go thru their senior year in high school. They go thru ups and downs together yet always in musical harmony. The movie begins with the warm sensation of summer and comes full circle at the end where the students graduate and celebrate the start of another summer. For me this movie always reminds me of summer times at St. Johns New Haven and our classmate Mike Snyder who would sing all the songs.

3. Vietnam War Movies: This category could be tied in with the counter-culture category but unlike the love represented by hippies this category is pure war and violence. The Vietnam War was the longest war in American history and perhaps one of the most infamous and unsuccessful of our history. For me this category is best enjoyed during the summer time because it is a setting that takes place deep in a hot, humid, rainy, bug-infested jungle. Just last summer I felt like I was going thru Vietnam as I endured a summer of flea-infestation, sickness, stress, and no air-conditioner. Things are much better this summer.
  • The Deer Hunter (1978)
  • Apocalypse Now (1979)
  • Platoon (1987)
  • Full Metal Jacket (1987)
  • Good Morning Vietnam (1987)
  • Tigerland (2000)

2. Latin American Culture: For myself being part Latin this is no doubt a bit biased having this category so high on the summer list, yet also within reason. Latin culture is best associated with warmer tropical climates. The movies on this list deal with themes of love, war, adventure, politics, and revolution. I relate to  many of these politically driven Latin movies during the summer time perhaps the same reason as with Neo-Noir films, Drug Movies, Vietnam, and the Counterculture categories. It is a theme of free-thinking adventurism, whether a war or a road trip, the setting is engulfed by hot summer temperatures on a beach or deep in the jungle.
  • Y Tu Mama Tambien (2001)
  • City of God (2002)
  • The Motorcycle Diaries (2004)
  •  Maria Full of Grace (2004)
  • Che (2008)

1. Forrest Gump: This movie masterpiece is the total fusion of American culture with summer culture. The small-town southern character of Forrest Gump goes thru a roller coaster of American historical experiences. Beginning with his childhood encounter with Elvis Presley, his college football career at Alabama, his service at the Vietnam War, his involvement with the counterculture movement, his hippy girlfriend Jenny, his shrimping career on the open bayou, and his long distance running across the country.

All settings that take place in a warm or hot tropical environment.  The only part of this film that seems out of place to me is the New Years celebration in New York City with Lt. Dan that takes place during the winter time. Every other scene in this film seems to take place during summer. Add to this some great filming and an iconic American classic rock soundtrack and it has all the ingredients of a summer movie. The film has a historical, heroic, and happy quality to it that makes it my favorite film to watch during the summer time. 

Monday, July 23, 2018

Best Spring Movies

Last fall I began a new topic on seasonal films, my favorite movies to see during certain seasons. I have already written about my favorite fall time, Christmas, and winter movies and will now conclude with my favorite spring time and summer movies. I realize springtime has come to a past as we stand in the midst of this July summer, yet I want to knock both of these posts out at once while I have some free time. So onto this category; my favorite movies to watch during the spring time.

The first thing I should do before describing my favorite films to watch during the spring season, is to describe what spring means to me. It's a transitional season, the light at the end of a tunnel. The winter cold is brushed aside with warm winds and rain that bring on new plants and colors. It's a time of hope, inspiration, laughter, warmth, joy, and love.

As a student, it gave us a week long break usually at the end of March. And by May was usually the end of school and the beginning of summer. And of course there was that glorious feeling of graduation I felt three times in spring. In sports it marks the beginning of baseball season and the end of soccer and basketball season. Its a time when you feel more inclined to enjoy outside rather than inside; which I understand is perhaps not the base case for movie viewing, yet nonetheless every season has it's downtime.

I should also once again make clear that this film list is in regards to the spring season, rather than it's overall acclaim. For me, there are certain movies that just work better during certain times. For example a football movie is best during the fall and a baseball movie is best during the spring or summertime. I have often associated this rule to my movies and music since I can remember. Perhaps it's just being a lifelong Midwestern native enduring the four seasons, or I'm just a overly picky person. Nonetheless here are my favorite movies to watch during the spring season.

Honorable Mention

  • Memoirs of a Geisha (It's a cultural movie about Japan with a romantic and colorful setting)
  • What Dreams May Come (an extremely colorful setting with religious and philosophical elements)

10. Garden State- This one has personal reasons for me as I remember watching it during the spring of 2004 when I was a sophomore in college. I was in love at that time, and the music from this film carried me thru spring-time and into summer. The plot incorporates themes of homecoming, recreation, friendship, and love all elements that could be associated to the spring. The setting also has many outdoor scenes in the warm and rainy season of New Jersey. The soundtrack also has a spring quality to it, with it's calm and dreamlike song selection.

9. Annie Hall- This is perhaps one of Woody Allen's most iconic films. It is a romantic comedy unlike anything I've ever seen before. When I think of this film I think of two lovers strolling thru New York City, in a temperature that is neither hot nor cold. It is a springtime setting for me, associated with the outdoors, flowers, the beach, and the booming city. 

8. The Passion- The Lenten season usually begins during wintertime and ends with Easter Sunday at the onset of spring. For me there is no other Lenten movie (Or Easter for that matter) quite as powerful as Mel Gibson's Passion. This film is a dramatic portrayal of the final days of Jesus Christ and his crucifixion. It has many emotional moments, some that are just difficult to watch that demonstrate the suffering that Jesus Christ enduring during his crucifixion. Since the movie first came out in 2004, it has become a Lenten tradition for my dad and I to watch this film.

7.  Shakespeare in Love- I believe it was around Feb of 2015 that I first became inspired by this great film, but for the sake of argument I'm going to consider this a spring movie rather than a winter movie. First case is the romantic plot between Shakespeare and his muse, that takes place in a temperate setting. There is no dark violent conflicts in this film, yet rather lovable, comical characters who add to the flare of the story. It is ultimately a warm film, a movie masterpiece, ideal for the spring time.

6. Wedding Crashers- I remember watching this comedy with my friends quite frequently during my college years. The film could probably be enjoyed at any time, but I think the setting is best related to that of springtime. It kicks off at the start of wedding season, which is the start of spring-time. It incorporates themes of romance, the outdoors, college humor, and family gatherings. The colors of the film are spring-like as is the soundtrack consisting of soothing rock. To this day it remains one of my all time favorite comedies. 

5. American Pie Series- I was beginning high school when this classic comedy first came out and at the time I could relate to everything the characters were going thru. For me it is the ultimate spring movie about teenage drama that takes place during the school's spring season. The main four characters are on a quest to get laid during prom and before graduation. The second and third movie also incorporate spring elements of  light-hearted romance and comedy. The soundtrack, characters, and classic quotes of this film have become top notch nostalgia for me. It's a great series to enjoy during the spring season or to kick start the summer. 

  • American Pie (1999)
  • American Pie 2 (2001)
  • American Wedding (2003)
  • American Reunion (2012)

4. Baseball Movies- It seems fitting to kick start the spring season with classic baseball films, as the Major League normally starts in early April. While many of these films could also be enjoyed during summertime, it's always nice to group them together if at all possible. There are so many classic baseball films I remember watching as a kid and new ones that continue to glorify the American pastime.

  • Bill Durham (1988)
  • Field of Dreams (1989)
  • Major League (1989)
  • The Sandlot (1993)
  • Rookie of the Year (1993)
  • Angels in the Outfield (1994)
  • Moneyball (2011)
  • 42 (2013)

3. The Godfather- This one is hard to explain for me, but over the years it seems I have gotten into this gangster classic around springtime. While the film series is ultimately a crime genre it also has strong elements of family and religious ceremonies. The title Godfather for example is in reference to the Catholic sacrament of baptism. There is also the ceremonies of marriage and first communion celebrated in this film. The Italian culture is best demonstrated when Michael Corleone visits his native home of Sicily, a springlike setting of colorful pastures and romance. The 2nd and 3rd movie continue with the theme of crime yet also family structure. Much of the settings in these films including New York, Italy, Miami, or Las Vegas are usually warm.

  • The Godfather (1972)
  • The Godfather II (1974)
  • The Godfather III (1990)

2. Almost Famous- This musical film about the glory of rock and roll is a great way to kick start the warmer seasons for me. I was in college when I first saw this film and began to appreciate movies as art rather than just movies. I also began to enjoy classic rock during my college years and this movie was the ultimate combination of great film with great music. The setting takes place during the spring season as a rock journalist skips out on school to tour with an up-and-coming rock and roll band in the 1970s. It is the stuff of poetry, comedy, flowers, friendship, music, and love which is the essence of springtime. 

1. Dazed and Confused- This is one of my all time favorite movies to watch during the springtime. I think it was in college that I first saw this famous cult comedy classic about high school initiation. The film takes place in a day, the last day of school, and the first day of summer, which fittingly is in late May, springtime. Its a warm rural setting with elements of romance, comedy, smoking, and total partying. For me one of it's most defining features is the classic rock soundtrack. I remember watching this film for the first time in college with my friends seeing it as more than a stoner comedy yet rather a unique work of art. Over the past few years now I have often watched this movie after running the Mini Marathon or some time in early May to kick-start my summer season. While for me it represents the start of summer, I enjoy to watch it at the peak of springtime.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

2018 Russia World Cup Recap

Yesterday brought an end to the 2018 FIFA World Cup hosted by Russia, in which France beat Croatia in the final to secure their 2nd world championship. Starting back in mid June, I watched every game of this tournament, as the avid soccer fan that I am.

This was the 6th World Cup that I have followed since the 1998 Cup in France, and believe it was the most exciting one I have ever seen. It seems the tournament only gets better and better with age. Therefore I shall echo what I have said many times before in this blog, the FIFA World Cup is without question the most glorious of all sports tournaments. 

I won't spend much time here talking about my love of the tournament yet rather give a recap of the 2018 World Cup while it's still fresh in my mind. I'll highlight the teams, star players, shocking moments, best goals, disappointments, and other stories that took part in the tournament. I watched every game starting back in mid June, either at work, at home, at my parents house, at the bars, and hosted a party at my house for the championship. It's always hard to let go of a glorious tournament such as this (or the Olympics) but I suppose that makes it all the better next time it comes around. So here is my recap of the glorious 2018 Russia World Cup.

France: The 2x Champions

France were one of the four favorites coming into this tournament (along with Brazil, Germany, and Spain) and were the last ones standing at the end. This was their 2nd championship since 1998, led by the great Zidane. They fell short however in the 2006 final against Italy, that witnessed the infamous Zidane red-card headbutt. Ten years later, France has climbed back to the top of the world rankings. They fell just short in the 2016 Euro Finals against Portugal, and as a result were prepared to see this final thru to the end, as they overcame a very talented Croatian team. They rightfully deserved this World Cup Championship. 

This French squad is extremely star-studded and balanced with youth and experience. They are managed by the former captain Didier Deschamps of the 1998 champion French squad. The captain of their team is their goalkeeper Hugo Llors. Their defense is controlled by Samuel Umtiti and Raphael Varane, while Paul Pogba and Ngolo Kante control the center, and the speedy wingers Antoine Greizman and Kylian Mbappe lead the attack. This is a very exciting team to watch, pragmatic at times, yet also deadly on the attack. France found goals in numerous ways, whether from set pieces, long range shots, or the quick pace of Mbappe, who was awarded the best young player of the tournament. 

There were probably 10 other teams I would have preferred to see win it over France, (mostly Latin teams or England) yet can honestly say I am satisfied with them as champions. I have nothing against France, have always enjoyed their history and culture, have cousins who are French, and enjoy watching Paul Pogba, Antonie Greizman, and Kylian Mbappe. That being said I really hope the next world cup champion is not from Europe, since the past four champions have been.

Croatia: Runners Up

It's ironic France won their championship against Croatia, because it was in 1998 that France beat Croatia in the semi-finals, which was the furthest they had ever been at that point. I remember it was at that tournament that I learned about the small country of Croatia, dressed in their peculiar checkered uniforms, and lead by their star striker, Davor Suker, who could speak Spanish. Surely Suker was the hero of the country, that is until this recent squad went even further in the tournament. 

Led by their superstar midfielder Luka Modric, the recipient of the Golden Ball, and other star names such as Ivan Rakitic, Dejan Lovren, and Ivan Perisic. They made their first big statement in the tournament by beating Argentina 3-0 in the group stage. They then went on to beat Denmark, Russia, and England all in extra time. This was a battle tested team, and to be quite honest they performed better at the final match against France. However they fell short when it mattered most, and could not secure the championship. Nonetheless Croatia should feel very honored with their accomplishment, for such a small country to come so close to glory is bittersweet. 

Belgium: Third Place

This was also the best ever result for the country of Belgium, who have put together a golden generation of stars. This team went to the quarter-finals in the 2014 cup, yet went even further this tournament by winning 6 of 7 matches, losing only to France in the semis, yet beating England to secure 3rd place. 

Their Spanish coach Roberto Martinez, brought up a tactical plan to get the best of his superstars, Eden Hazard, Thibaut Courtois, Kevin de Bruyne, Romelu Lukaku, Vincent Kompany, Maroune Fellani, and so forth. Each star player had some form of contribution to a major game changing moment. Their comeback win against Japan in the 2nd half was led by Fellani and their fast counter-attack. They even went a step further in their quarter-final upset win against Brazil with an incredible long range rocket from Kevin de Bruyne that will forever give Brazilians nightmares. And their goalkeeper, Thibaut Courtois was awarded the Golden Glove.

England: Fourth Place

As a fan of English Football, I was happy to see them making it into the semi-finals. However to get there they had to beat my favored Colombia in the Round of 16, which was a heartbreaking lost for me. Then they had to beat my other favored team Sweden in the quarter-finals. I still couldn't hold this against the team of England when they faced Croatia. 

This country has done quite poorly in the World Cup since their 1990 Semi-Final appearance and 1966 championship. I was hoping they could make it to the finals to face France, however they came up short to Croatia in extra time. This was a disappointing result for me to witness as it appeared England had control of the game until the final 30 minutes. That being said English fans should hold their heads up high for this performance. Their captain Harry Kane will bring home the Golden Shoe with the 6 goals he scored. 

Teams I enjoyed watching

Colombia: This was my favorite team going into the tournament, being part Colombian myself. I was hoping they could emulate the success of the 2014 tournament led by James Rodriguez and a healthy Radamel Falcao, however they came up short due to a string of bad luck. An injured James Rodriguez in the Round of 16 match was no doubt the reason England was able to win. However their 3-0 win against Poland and Yerry Mina's equalizer in stoppage time will go down as two of my favorite moments in this cup.

Brasil: In most sports I usually hate the superpower team as is the case for Brasil yet still there is something about their style of play that is just fun to watch. They've always incorporated a rhythmic creative free flowing innovative style, often referred to as the Brazilian Ginga style. Following their 7-1 humiliation at the hands of Germany, Brasil was eager to redeem their selves and were once again favorites to win this tournament. 

They were carried by the amazing speed and footwork of midfield Philippe Coutinho and their superstar winger, Neymar. However the team once again came up short, this time against Belgium in the quarter-finals. While it is quite impressive that Brasil has now gone to 7 consecutive quarter-finals, this is not satisfactory enough for a 5 time champion nation that has not won the title since 2002.  

Spain: My calculated prediction was that Spain would win this tournament, based on their experience, strong defense, superstar goalkeeping, and possession based tactics. However things took a twist for them the night before the tournament started when their head coach was fired for accepting a job with Real Madrid. 

Their opening 3-3 match against Portugal was one of the best games of the cup, and although they were robbed the victory I got a glimpse of their passing brilliance. Following this draw however they barely got by Iran and Morocco. In the Round of 16 they were shockingly defeated by the host nation of Russia in PK shootout. This tournament will likely mark an end for the 2010 champs such as Andres Iniesta, Sergio Ramos, Gerard Pique, and Sergio Busquets.   

Mexico: I always admire watching the Mexican national team's hunger and passion at these games. This was no doubt the case in their opening match, and perhaps the upset of the tournament, against Germany. From beginning to end, their pace and work rate is simply unmatched and fun to watch. 

The chant of Chucky Lozano, who scored the winning goal against Germany, was perhaps one of my favorite songs of the cup. However yet again for the 7th straight World Cup, Mexico was eliminated in the Round of 16. Thus making their "Curse of the Quinto Partido" all the more relevant. 

Admirable Performances

Russia: The host nation not only did a great job at hosting one of the most memorable tournaments of all time, they also performed quite well making it to the quarter-finals. Their opening wins against Egypt and Saudi Arabia gave the nation something to celebrate about. However their 3-0 loss to Uruguay was perhaps a wake of reality. 

That was until they provided the biggest upset yet in beating Spain in PK shootout. This result went down as the biggest upset in World Cup history based on FIFA rankings, Spain was ranked 4th and Russia ranked 70th. Russia once again provided a moment of glory when they equalized against Croatia in the quarter-finals. However this time they were not able to repeat their success in the PK shootouts and came up short. 

Uruguay: This team lead by their notorious trouble maker Luis Suarez had a very admirable run. They won their first games Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Russia, and Portugal. In the Round of 16 match Cavani became the hero with two impressive goals over the 2016 Euro Champs- Portugal. However Cavani was injured and could not help Suarez and Godin in the quarter-final match against France, where they came up short 2-0. 

Portugal: This was likely Ronaldo's last chance at World Cup glory, hoping to emulate the success he achieved as the recent 2016 Euro Cup Champions. Ronaldo got off to an incredible start in the opening match against Spain by scoring a hat-trick and a heroic late game free kick to tie the game. In the following match he scored an early header which became the only goal of the game to give Portugal a much needed victory. However in their third match against Iran, Portugal once again had to settle for a draw and Ronaldo was nearly given a red card. They played well against Uruguay yet simply not enough to win, and were eliminated in the Round of 16.    

Sweden: This team was out for a new identity following the departure of their iconic superstar Zlatan Ibrahimivic and did just that by going further than any other Swedish team had since the 1994 World Cup where they made it to the semi-finals. 

This Swedish side was not star-driven yet rather a pragmatic team that won the games it had to win against South Korea and Mexico. They suffered a heartbreaking loss against Germany, yet were able to erase that by beating Switzerland in the Round of 16 and making it to the quarter-finals where they were eventually defeated by England 2-0. 

Senegal: They had a huge opening win against Poland, which saw the team dancing thru each of it's practices and appearances. The then tied against Japan, and lost to Colombia. They perhaps got the worse end of a group stage tie-breaking scenario against Japan, which had to be decided by fair play, since they were tied in points, goal differential, and  goals scored.Japan had the fewer cards and thus were the team that went on to the knockout stage, while Senegal sadly went home. 

Japan: They got off to an incredible start by upsetting Colombia, due to a red card in the 3rd minute. They were then able to get a late equalizer against Senegal and a crucial 4th point as they lost to Poland. They were tied to Senegal on points yet still went thru on fair play. In the Round of 16 Japan had it's most impressive performance yet as they broke ahead of Belgium 2-0 in the second half yet had a late collapse where the Belgians responded with 3 late goals to win. Perhaps the comeback of the tournament.

Disappointing Teams

Germany: If there was one team I did not want to see win the cup was Germany, since they had just won it in 2014. However I still predicted they would go far, if not the finals at least the semi-finals. That was not the case at all, and in a shocking result they did not make it out of the group stage. Which has now become a trend for defending champions. Perhaps this is because they lose their hunger or have too big a target on their backs. Their losses to Mexico and Korea demonstrated the teams lack of hunger and desire to win. However their victory against Sweden, where Toni Kroos scored a free kick in stoppage team to win the game was yet another incredible moment in the tournament.

Argentina: This was perhaps Lionel Messi's final chance at winning the World Cup yet as a whole the Argentinian team was in disarray for most of it's games. Messi's first failure came against Iceland in missing a PK that would lead to a draw; then came their humiliating 3-0 loss to Croatia; their finest moment came against Nigeria where Messi scored a beauty and Marcus Rojo scored the winner; the team fought admirably against France yet it was not enough and fell 4-3 to the eventual champions. This was a disappointing result mostly because of Messi and it is clear to see the frustration of a superstar who wants nothing more then to win one for his country.

Egypt: Although they had minimal expectations, it would have been nice to see this team make it out of the group stage with their rising superstar Mo Salah. However unfortunately he was not able to partake in their first game loss against Uruguay. He did however play against Russia and Saudi Arabia both games that they should have won. However Egypt went on to lose all three of their matches

Top 5 Goals

5. Cristano Ronaldo against Spain
4. Nacho against Portugal
3. Lionel Messi's touch and shot against Nigeria
2. Toni Kroos game winning free kick against Sweden
1. Benjamin Pavard long range volley against Argentina

Top 10 Moments

10. Croatia's dominant win against Argentina 3-0
9. Harry Kane's late game winning goal against Tunisia
8. Russia upsets Spain on PK shootout in Round of 16
7. Belgium's late 3 goal comeback against Japan in Round of 16
6. Mexico upsets Germany 1-0
5. Korea upsets Germany 2-0 eliminating Germany in group stage
4. Marcos Rojo late game winning goal against Nigeria
3. Yerry Mina scores equalizing header against England to force game into extra time
2. Toni Kroos scores game winning free kick goal in stoppage time against Sweden
1. Cristiano Ronaldo scored equalizing free kick goal against Spain

Top 25 Players

25. Denis Cheryshev (Russia)
24. Kasper Schmeichel (Denmark)
23. Edison Cavani (Uruguay) 
22. Kieran Trippier (England)
21. Hugo Lloris (France) 
20. Ivan Rakatic (Croatia)
19. Diego Godin (Uruguay)
18. Jordan Pickford (England)
17. Thibaut Courtois (Belgium)
16. Ngolo Kante (France)
15. Cristano Ronaldo (Portugal)
14. Raphael Varance (France)
13. Neymar (Brazil)
12. Kevin de Bruyne (Belgium)
11. Toni Kroos (Germany)
10. Ivan Perisic (Croatia)
9. Philipe Coutinho (Brazil)
8. Harry Kane (England)
7. Antonie Griezmann (France)
6. Yerry Mina (Colombia)
5. Eden Hazard (Belgium)
4. Romelu Lukaku (Belgium)
3. Paul Pogba (France)
2. Luka Modric (Croatia)
1. Kylian Mbappe (France)