Being only 30 minute east of Battle Creek, the city of Kalamazoo, Michigan has a significant history in my family. Mostly due to the fact that along with my dad, several other of my aunts, uncles, and cousins attended the university of Western Michigan. My uncle Carl himself lived in the city for nearly 20 years, before he moved to Indianapolis. My dad attended the university to study music and said he had greatly enjoyed his time there. It's a city I've always known of yet never had visited. Well just this last week, I was assigned to work a game there, and finally was able to see the university I had always heard of.
I got there early Monday morning in my Knight Rider, and met up with an older co-worker named Steve, who was very strung-out and on-edge the entire time. He seemed like he was on coke or something, because he could never stay still for more than 5 seconds. I must say that the job did not go very smoothly, and was hands down my most stressful one this year. On set day everything that could go wrong, went wrong, and we were there working until 7pm. The next day problems continued to persist, and along with the cold rain, things were just never easy. The entire crew were just unhelpful, rude, and very lazy, making things even harder. I was very happy once the job was done...

As for Western Michigan, the campus was very nice, yet the stadium was even nicer. The stadium was very new and was connected to a practice facility. It was set inside a valley surrounded by trees and hills. You could not see from the highway, since you had to drive down a hill to get to. It was a very unique design, and due to our two long days, I got to explore this stadium more than any other this year. As for the people there, all were very friendly. The local utilities were all my age, friendly sociable people, who were quick to help me whenever I asked. I also met several other stadium staff, who also were friendly and talkative people. After set day, me and Steve went out to B-dubs for a well deserved beer along with some good chicken wings. One thing I noticed, and have to come to conclude is that Michigan loves them some hockey. It's always something I've noticed every time I've been to a bar in Michigan.
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