I've been in a Batman Phase lately, much thanks to our recent purchase of Batman: Arkham Asylum for the Xbox... It's a good game, yet very difficult, and once I beat it, I'll have a full review on it. Until then though, I thought I'd go ahead and begin a series on my favorite Batman villains. My interest in Batman began as a kid, watching the animated series. I never really got into the comic books, yet that show was hands down the biggest contributor to pulling me into the Batman universe. As things would go, I later turned my obsession to the Star Wars universe, and Batman became a very distant second. Yet the movies continued to hold my interest; 1-4, which were hit-and-miss (and the 4th "Batman & Robin" became the final straw, which completely disgraced the Batman franchise) Finally director Christopher Nolan, totally redid the series in 2005 with a much darker approach and once again saved the series in his blockbuster films, "Batman Begins" and "The Dark Knight"... So once again Batman has returned to it's darker roots, like in the comic books and the animated series, far away from the ridiculous TV Series of the 1960s...
So I look forward to filling this blog with artwork from the Batman Universe... Here is a view of the villains who didn't quite make my list...
Cat Woman
She switches from villain to hero, and is one of Batman's many love interests. She's been portrayed in several films now, yet none have really seem to capture my interest. Nonetheless she is the definition of a sexy vixen!
The Ventriloquist/Scarface
This villain use to creep me out. The real villain was not the ventriloquist, yet his puppet known as Scarface who always carried a deadly tommy gun.
This angry villain always made it interesting to see how Batman could defeat his clay-like structure.

Killer Croc
Half-reptile, half-man; this creature is sheer strength and rage, and lives in a dungeon, where he causes havoc upon Batman...
The Man-Bat
He was a zoologist doctor turned into a bat, with bat-like abilities and thus became one of Batman's biggest enemies.
The Mad Hatter
Not to be confused with the character from
Alice in Wonderland, yet still very similar. This character was a mad-man, trickster, always making things difficult for Batman.
Mr. Zsaz
Mr. Freeze
Black Mask
Great White shark
Solomon Grundy
Dead Shot
the list goes on my friend.
Catwoman is a major character and so is the Mad Hatter. Arkham Hell on Earth is a good reinterpretation on this pedophile and Btaman has pretty much fought everyone in the DC universe. Including beating Superman. Read the Dark knight returns, the long halloween or year one these are all good graphic novels.
good article bro. i went the comic way when you went star wars. But seriously I think you would love Superman Red Son considering REDS is one of your favorite movies. I'll be commenting regularly.
Que te vaya bien
i figured u might like this.. i found tons of batman artwork that i'm just dying to post!
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