incredible tradition that always seems to kick off the summer. We had a great showing this year, 8 family members that ran it (Dad, Philip, Shawnna, Gabriel, Marc, Laurie, Danny, and myself). We were able to recruit a new participant in cousin Danny this year, who made the trip from Western Michigan. He also ran the Monumental Half last fall as well as our sprint triathlon last summer. He has seemed to join the Sundberg running crew that was formed back in 2005.
This was actually my 9th running of the event as I missed the 2009 race due to being in Costa Rica. Dad and Philip are the only ones to have ran it each year, since 2005. However I have had the most wins as well as the fastest course time within our family. This year I ran a solid time of 1.44.40, with consistent pacing. I was quite okay with this and hit my goal, considering the horrible winter we had. The Indy Mini event is always the pinnacle of running events for me. It's like my super bowl of races, mostly due to the family tradition it has become.
History of the Tradition

I was now familiar with the half marathon distance as well as the course and ran about the same time I had last year, a 1.43.37. Philip and I wore singlets once again and I remember picking up a pair of sunglasses along the way and wore them for the rest of the run. I remember waving to Jennifer and Laurie who were sitting in the bleachers as I crossed the finish line.
After the marathon, the Sundberg running crew took a well deserved break, however everyone was still on board by Thanksgiving to do the Indy Mini once again. By springtime of my senior year, I was very excited to graduate and that year my partying had overtaken my running so I wasn't in the greatest shape. Philip was also in bad shape and was quite hefty at the time. Marc, Jennifer, and Laurie were joining us that year and we all agreed to make it a "fun-run". My mom, younger brothers, aunts, and grandma were all there to watch and support.
Marc and I ran the entire race in our caps and gowns. Philip and Jennifer dressed as pirates, while Dad, Laurie, and Carl ran normal. This was the classic year that Carl had his shorts inside out on the way to the corals. Dad surprisingly had the fastest time in the group.
In 2008 I was living an adventurous life in the big city of Chicago. I did not have a car or a job yet I had plenty of money from the Sportvision football season. I was not in great running shape at the time, yet I couldn't pass up on our annual event. Especially because Marc and Laurie were once again making the trip to partake in the race. I thus caught a train from Chicago to Waterloo and then joined my dad and brothers on the trip to Indy.
We spent the night at Carl and Devon's as usual, had our pasta dinner, ran the race, and relaxed at their house afterwards. This was another slow time for me at 2.04.11, however I remember it was enjoyable and I ran most of it aside Marc and Philip. Laurie had the fast time of the year. There wasn't anything too unique about this race, however I did run with a hat and sunglasses.
By the fall of 09 I had wrapped up my adventurous days and buckled down on a career path into education. In 2010 I was offered a position at Carl's new autism clinic in Fishers, near Indianapolis. This was the perfect transition for me. I thus began a new stage in my life as a fully employed therapist. I also got back into running that spring with a group of co-workers at the BACA.
I was excited to partake in the Mini that year as an actual local of the city now. That year we had a new participant in Shawnna, Philip's future fiance. It was only Philip, Shawnna, dad, Marc, and myself who ran it that year as Laurie and Carl did not. (Laurie may have been injured at the time) I ran a 1.47.34 and don't remember anything too eventful about the race.
I remember that year was unusually humid and I was unable to get in a comfortable groove the entire race. I took off too fast on the first 6 miles and hit a bad wall on the track. I ran a disappointing time of 1.48.30 knowing I could have done much better. Nonetheless it appears everyone else in my family had similar stories relating to the weather and this made me feel better.
After the race I got a beer with Ryan and Lauren at the beer tent. We then rested for a bit and then went to Carl and Devon's for a while. Later in the evening Philip, Shawnna, Palmer, and myself went to an after party at a friends house. It was Katie Hosier, the girlfriend of Don Griffin, and also a running enthusiast. All of our IU friends were there including Lauren, Audrey, EJ, and K-man it was a great time to kick off the summer.
The following year I was still very much into my running. I continuously trained throughout the fall and the winter and maintained my data on the Monon Trail and other races that I did. It seemed everyone else was also quite serious that year and it was going to be a competitive one. Philip was a good shape, Palmer was doing his second, and Marc was coming back after missing a couple years. It was anyone's race and I was intent to once again get a personal record. That night Palmer and Andres stayed at my apartment, and we had our traditional dinner at Carl and Devon's.
I continued running throughout the fall, winter, and into the new year of 2013. However that winter I began to experience some new problems in body aches and especially plantar fasciitis. At first I tried all sorts of new stretches and foot inserts however the problem would not go away. I then bought an expensive pair of new Brooks running shoes, and after a couple weeks the problem was cured. I was eager to once again run for glory at another annual Indy Mini race. I was also excited at the time to begin a new job transition into Dow Agro.
The Tradition
The event is actually way more than the race itself. There are several stages and components to it that happen each year. This general format began in 2005 and we've kept to this plan for the past ten years now.
- The first stage is the registration process which we normally do as a group during the holidays, Thanksgiving and Christmas. (Great chance to recruit people)
- Than it's on to the training which everyone does according to their own time and schedule throughout the wintertime. We're a competitive bunch and everyone wants to have the fastest time. However finishing the 13.1 mile race is a victory in itself.
- Then comes the week prior to the mini, always the last week of April. This includes tapering off on the training as well as logistic planning and packet-pickup. In the past few years I have picked up the packets at the downtown convention center, however recently Gabriel has taken over that role.
- On the Friday before the race, we always meet at Carl and Devon's house for a traditional pasta dinner. It's a great opportunity to visit with the family, carb-up on pasta, pick up our packets, talk running strategy as well as race day logistics. We also share stories and times of past Indy Mini events.
- On race day we normally rendezvous at the same parking lot on Ohio St and Capitol and always meet in front of the government building by the porter potties. We always take an annual group picture here and once everyone goes to the bathroom we separate into our corals.
- Then there's the 13.1 mile race, which is an experience itself. Over 35,000 people running through the Speedway district of town which includes 3 miles around the Brickyard Stadium.
- After the race is finished we always meet at the exact same place behind the stands by the finish line. This usually takes about an hour of waiting for everyone to get in. Once were there we share stories as we re-cooperate and then take another group photo in a classic running pose.
- Afterwards we rest for a bit and then usually meet up at Carl and Devon's for a post-race barbecue. This is mostly a day of lounging, eating, drinking, and good relaxation.
- In the evening some of us go out drinking and partying afterwards. By late Saturday or early Sunday morning everyone parts ways until the next big family event.

- 2005: The Tradition is Born
That spring my dad, Philip, and I agreed to partake in our first mini marathon which was only a couple weeks away. The timing was perfect as I had just finished my finals, was dating an amazing girl, and was excited for the summer. I drove with my good friend Sergio from Bloomington to meet my family in Indy. Gabriel, Andres, Reggie, and Ofelia came to support us and we stayed the night at Carl's apartment. It was on this weekend we met Carl's new girlfriend Devon.
The race was quite a success, and I remember Philip and I bravely wore singlets and short shorts. (I was a lot slimmer in those days.) I ran a fast time of 1.43.44 and remember finishing very strong. I loved the environment of this downtown race and the nonstop support made for such an incredible experience. I think after it was finished we were all in agreement that a new tradition was born. I also remember that night going to a bonfire party at Rager's and feeling like quite the champion after completing my first ever half marathon.
- 2006: Year of the Marathon
I was now familiar with the half marathon distance as well as the course and ran about the same time I had last year, a 1.43.37. Philip and I wore singlets once again and I remember picking up a pair of sunglasses along the way and wore them for the rest of the run. I remember waving to Jennifer and Laurie who were sitting in the bleachers as I crossed the finish line.
It was that year after the mini that the Sundberg Running Crew was established. I think everyone was inspired by the mini event as well as Carl's upcoming wedding to get serious about running. I came up with the idea that we run a full marathon in the fall and everyone was on board. This included Dad, Carl. Philip, Laurie, Jennifer, and myself. However that fall they did a Indy Marathon while I did the Chicago Marathon. To this day it was one of the hardest things I've ever done, and has made the Indy Mini all the easier now.
- 2007: Graduation Year

Marc and I ran the entire race in our caps and gowns. Philip and Jennifer dressed as pirates, while Dad, Laurie, and Carl ran normal. This was the classic year that Carl had his shorts inside out on the way to the corals. Dad surprisingly had the fastest time in the group.
This was a very unusual race for me, where instead of worrying about my time, I was rather enjoying the environment with my cousin Marc. We put name tags on the front of our gowns so that people would cheer our names. We even had a beer at mile 11, however this sent me straight to the bathroom afterwards. We finished at a very slow time of 2:11.52 which was expected. At the finish line we were interviewed by the IndyStar. That afternoon I drove with my family to Bloomington for my graduation ceremony at IU. It was quite a memorable day.
- 2008: Trip from Chicago

We spent the night at Carl and Devon's as usual, had our pasta dinner, ran the race, and relaxed at their house afterwards. This was another slow time for me at 2.04.11, however I remember it was enjoyable and I ran most of it aside Marc and Philip. Laurie had the fast time of the year. There wasn't anything too unique about this race, however I did run with a hat and sunglasses.
- 2009: The Year I Missed Out
- 2010: The BACA days

I was excited to partake in the Mini that year as an actual local of the city now. That year we had a new participant in Shawnna, Philip's future fiance. It was only Philip, Shawnna, dad, Marc, and myself who ran it that year as Laurie and Carl did not. (Laurie may have been injured at the time) I ran a 1.47.34 and don't remember anything too eventful about the race.
- 2011: The Humid Race

After the race I got a beer with Ryan and Lauren at the beer tent. We then rested for a bit and then went to Carl and Devon's for a while. Later in the evening Philip, Shawnna, Palmer, and myself went to an after party at a friends house. It was Katie Hosier, the girlfriend of Don Griffin, and also a running enthusiast. All of our IU friends were there including Lauren, Audrey, EJ, and K-man it was a great time to kick off the summer.
- 2012: The Second Humid Race

On race day however it was once again very humid out. This time even worse than the year before. I hung with Marc until about mile 6 when my calves began to cramp badly. This was inside the stadium and at that point and I had to taper off. It was one of the worse runs I had ever done. I was battling constant thirst and cramps. I finished with a very disappointing time of 1.55.06. Once again it appeared everyone else had the same issue, Carl, dad, Shawnna, Philip, and Laurie. That year Marc had the fastest time, and was the only one not affected by the humidity since he was from Kansas.
After the race Palmer and I had some coronas and pizza at Carl and Devon's house. Then we once again drove out to Katie Hosier's house for her annual Mini Marathon party. It was a fun time and all the usual gain was there, Lauren, EJ, and K-man. A couple weeks later Philip and I made plans for a redemption run at the Geist Half and there I ran a 1.46.15. That summer was a very hot one, yet I stayed in shape constantly battling dehydration and fatigue. I finally achieved my personal record yet it was in the fall at the Monumental half Marathon.
- 2013: New Shoes, New Horizon

That year we were joined by Gabriel and Gily's husband, Stiven, who was filling in for Carl. Stiven was not a runner whatsoever, however he finished like a trooper. We were also joined by Gabriel's friend Eric Myers. The regulars were all back for another year such as dad, Laurie, and Philip. Palmer and Marc did not make it out that year and Shawnna could not partake as she had just given birth to Benjamin.
I had a very good race until mile 12 where I hit a bad wall. Nonetheless I finished with a course record of 1.42.32 and once again had the fastest time of the group. After the race we met at Philip and Shawnna's new house for a barbecue. I remember I wasn't all that sore and even helped Philip assemble his new barbecue. That evening we did not go out drinking and instead everyone just rested.
- 2014: Tenth Year
Just a couple weeks ago the Sundberg Running Crew partook in their 10th running of the Indy Mini. It was my 9th event, having missed the race in 2009, however still just as special. We had a great showing this year, a total of 8 family members running it. Dad, Laurie, Marc, Gabriel, Philip, Shawnna, Danny, and myself (Gabriel's friend Eric also joined us again) It was nice to have cousin Danny join us for his first time. He stayed the night at my place. We had our traditional pasta dinner at Carl and Devon's new house and then met at the usual parking spot downtown. This year the race was setup in wave formats, and Philip and I took off in the first wave in Coral C.
This year I was in decent shape, considering the terrible winter we had. It was a bit chilly that morning and I was bit sleepy. I rocked my Indy Runners shirt and some shades. My goal was to hit under 1:45, and I achieved that. I ran a very well paced run, under 8 min miles, and did not hit any major walls like the previous few years. I finished at a time of 1.44.40, and once again had the fastest time in the family. Danny finished only a minute behind me, while Marc and Philip were several minutes behind.
After the race we had a very relaxing afternoon at Carl and Devon's house. This included pizza, Corona, and watching Game 7 of the Pacer-Hawks game. Marc and Laura convinced me to run the Kansas City Half marathon in October. That night Danny, Gabriel, and myself went out drinking at Broadripple. We went to several bars such as Union Jack Pub, Beaver Saloon, Landshark, and finished at my favorite gyro place. We got home around 4am. It was the perfect ending to a perfect traditional weekend.
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