The past few summers, Memorial Weekend has become a great opportunity to catch a summer blockbuster. It's usually a Marvel Superhero film like the Avengers, Wonder Woman, or Guardians of the Galaxy to name a few. However this summer it was nice to take a break from the super hero films and return to my all time favorite movie universe of Star Wars.These films are usually released in the winter time, yet ever since Disney has taken over the company, they have been releasing new stories on all fronts. (And I am quite okay with this!)
Qi'Ra suggests they get a new ship from a successful smuggler named Lando Calrissian (played by Donald Glover). Han challenges Lando to his gambling game of cards yet falls short, due to Lando cheating. Lando however still agrees to provide his Millenium Falcon for the mission, as long as he gets a cut of the take. In the mines of Kessel, Lando's droid, L3-37, instigates a slave uprising which provides a distraction Han needs to steal the explosive resource. They are able to escape the mines with their catch, however are later confronted by an Imperial blockade. As this point Han pilots his famous Kessel Run, by navigating through an uncharted territory of asteroids and chaotic maelstrom to reach their destination as quickly as possible.
Anthology Films
Solo: A Star Wars Story is the 2nd spin-off film in the Disney-Star Wars productions, after Rogue One was released in the winter of 2016. These anthology films offer a great expansion into the Star Wars Universe separate from the new trilogy being produced. These movies pertain to the older films revolving around the more iconic characters. Other upcoming anthology projects include new series on Boba Fett, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Master Yoda, and even a potential revamping of the original trilogy.
The Setting and Plot
As for this film, I can gladly say as a long-time Star Wars fan, that it was very entertaining. Much better than The Last Jedi! Perhaps I am biased to the older material, as this film is yet another prequel to the original Star Wars Trilogy (Episode 4- 6). As the title suggests it is about the life of Han Solo, before he becomes the famous captain of the Millennium Falcon and hero of the Rebel Alliance. The title character is played by Alden Ehrenreich as the cocky, rebellious, and heroic Han Solo. The film is directed by the critically acclaimed, Ron Howard.
It is first set on the planet of Corellia, where Han Solo has grown up as an orphan prepared to escape his refuge with his lover, Qi'ra (played by Emilia Clarke). However she is unable to escape with him and he promises to return to her, as he plans to become a pilot. He joins the Imperial Fleet, yet later deserts to join a band of thieves under the leadership of Tobias Becket (played by Woody Harrelson). He is captured by the imperial guards and fed to a beast named Chewbacca. Han is able to convince the wookie to escape, and the two join Tobias' gang to escape from the Imperial forces.
Han and Chewie agree to help Tobias smuggle some highly explosive minerals, yet fall short as they're plan is sabotaged by another group of pirates known as the Cloud-Riders. Han decides to help Tobias, to meet with his crime-boss, Dryden Vos (played by Paul Bettany) and discuss a new plan to smuggle back what they loss. It is here at this meeting that Han bumps into his lost lover Qi'Ra who is now mysteriously an associate of Dryden's gang. At the behest of Dryden, Qi'Ra joins Han, Chewie, and Tobias on this new mission to the planet of Kessel.

They successfully arrive to the planet of Savareen to process the mineral and receive their payment from Dryden Vos. However they are once again confronted by the cloud-riders who reveal that they are not pirates yet rather rebels trying to sabotage Vos' crime syndicate. At this point Han becomes convinced by their cause and decides to trick Dryden, while Tobias chooses to leave the scene. However Han anticipates Tobias betrayal and informs the cloud-riders to expect an attack from Dryden's guards.
The Cloud-riders are able to defeat Dryden's guards, while Tobias once again turns on Dryden this time, by leaving with the mineral. Han is left to face Dryden, with Qi'Ra in the room. Yet in another additional twist, Qi'Ra kills Dryden, with some shocking warrior tactics. Han then leaves to recover the mineral and Qi"ra informs her mentor, Darth Maul, that Dryden is dead and she is now to become boss of the crime syndicate.
Han is able to face and defeat Tobias in a shooting duel, and recover the mineral. He and Chewbacca then deliver it to the Cloud-Riders, who give him some of the mineral and ask Han to join their rebellion. Han declines the request and later tracks down Lando to win back the Millenium Falcon with the mineral portion the Cloud-Riders gave him. This time Han is susceptible to Lando's cheating and outsmarts him in the game of cards to win the Falcon.
From beginning to end this film is very exciting, unlike the early periods of boredom during Rogue One. This story is well written to capture all the things we know about Han Solo from the original trilogy, and the questions we have about the heroic character. Such as what drove him to become a smuggler, how he met Chewie, how he met Lando, how he got the Millenium Falcon, and how he made that famous Kessel Run in 12 Parsecs.
This backstory film tied all those character knots about Han Solo's past and in doing so created new strings of stories, characters, and questions. Such as Han's dealings with Jabba the Hut, and various other smugglers and bounty hunters across the galaxy. Yet most notably hanging question was the shocking plot twist of Han's lover Qi'Ra who all along was a trained apprentice of Darth Maul. (Whom I thought was killed in Phantom Menance, yet according to Star Wars cannon was saved by his brother in the Clone Wars animated series) So with the emergence of these two new villains at large (Qi'Ra and Darth Maul), as well a desire to see more adventures of the Millenium Falcon, there will surely be a series of Solo sequels to come. And I cannot wait to see more!