Regarding Conspiracy Theories

I've come to believe that conspiracy theories are extremely interesting, sometimes addictive, yet ultimately a waste of time. No matter what you think, and what you can prove, there's really nothing that can be done. Back in college, I was drawn into a 9/11 conspiracy, that the twin towers were imploded from within, and the Pentagon was bombed by an air missile. I became obsessed with this theory for some time, yet eventually came to the realization that it was either too far-fetched or beyond my grasp. The one thing I have learned from conspiracy theories, is to never be naive. Which now leads me to the epitome of conspiracies, the JFK Assassination. I've always been quite intrigued by JFK's assassination in Dallas on November 22, 1963, yet have never really put much thought to the event. Just this once I will open and close the book on this suspicious case.
My curiosity into this event, was as usual, inspired by a dramatic film, JFK, directed by Oliver Stone. The controversial film stars Kevin Costner, as the eager district attorney of New Orleans, Jim Garrison. In 1967 Garrison led one of the most noteworthy investigations against the Kennedy assassination and the Warren Commission. He practically assumed that Lee Harvey Oswald was no more than a "patsy" and the actual assassination plot was conducted by a string of mobsters and top secret government ops. Although his trial against Clay Shaw was a total failure, he certainly introduced some very insightful theories, and brought some real speculation to the table.
Questions on the Warren Commission

I have absolutely no doubt in my mind, that there was some foul play involved in this historical tragedy. Here are some extremely interesting questions brought up in the film;
In order to properly assess this situation, we have to begin with some historical backdrop and possible motives.
Brief History of JFK's Presidency

John Fitzgerald Kennedy became the 35th president of the United States in 1961.He was a democrat in favor of the Civil Rights Movement, big on government not so big on global affairs. He was a huge opponent of organized crime. During his years as president, he was bombarded by the threat of communism most notably in the Bay of Pigs Invasion and the Cuban Missile Crisis. Kennedy was never in favor of intervening on foreign soil, both in Cuba nor in Vietnam, and was especially angered by the CIA's secret operations. He not only fired many of it's chief administrators, such as Allen Dulles, yet also intended to strip away most of their power. Many accused him of being far too soft on communism. By dismantling the CIA, turning away from global war, and improving the country's infrastructure, Kennedy was threatening the dominance of capitalism. So begins a political motive.
The Possible Motives
The Who is of course the biggest and most haunting question. Whether or not Oswald did the shooting may remain a mystery, yet I do believe there were multiple shooters involved. They were obviously the best of the best; underground, top secret men without any political motives whatsoever, most likely foreign... Untraceable mercenaries for hire... Yet the even bigger question is who hired them? Perhaps an underground organization, such as the mafia, upset with Kennedy's strict policies. After-all who better to blame than the mafia. Yet the Mafia could never conduct something of this magnitude at this level of secrecy. If they were involved, they were definitely either working with or for someone else... Yet Who?
Although we may never know for sure, I don't doubt the existence of a top secret organization, that specializes in covert operations, and has no traceable ties whatsoever to the government. We see and hear about it all the time in the movies; Men in Black, Watchmen, etc. Yet is it really too far off the deep-end to believe of their actual existence? Perhaps they feel that there are some things in this world that are better kept secret from the general public, in order to avoid mass pandemonium. An invisible organization, above our own government, acting in the name of national security. Is it really that far-fetched? Or perhaps beyond our grasp? Either way it's the stuff conspiracies are made of!!

I've come to believe that conspiracy theories are extremely interesting, sometimes addictive, yet ultimately a waste of time. No matter what you think, and what you can prove, there's really nothing that can be done. Back in college, I was drawn into a 9/11 conspiracy, that the twin towers were imploded from within, and the Pentagon was bombed by an air missile. I became obsessed with this theory for some time, yet eventually came to the realization that it was either too far-fetched or beyond my grasp. The one thing I have learned from conspiracy theories, is to never be naive. Which now leads me to the epitome of conspiracies, the JFK Assassination. I've always been quite intrigued by JFK's assassination in Dallas on November 22, 1963, yet have never really put much thought to the event. Just this once I will open and close the book on this suspicious case.
My curiosity into this event, was as usual, inspired by a dramatic film, JFK, directed by Oliver Stone. The controversial film stars Kevin Costner, as the eager district attorney of New Orleans, Jim Garrison. In 1967 Garrison led one of the most noteworthy investigations against the Kennedy assassination and the Warren Commission. He practically assumed that Lee Harvey Oswald was no more than a "patsy" and the actual assassination plot was conducted by a string of mobsters and top secret government ops. Although his trial against Clay Shaw was a total failure, he certainly introduced some very insightful theories, and brought some real speculation to the table.
Questions on the Warren Commission

I have absolutely no doubt in my mind, that there was some foul play involved in this historical tragedy. Here are some extremely interesting questions brought up in the film;
- The Long Gun-man Theory: The Warren Commission concluded that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone , and shot off three shots from a high-up vantage point at the president. The first shots missed, the second shot, known as the infamous "Magic Bullet" pierced both Kennedy and Gov. Connolly, and finally the third shot, was the fatal one that hit him in the head. I see two obvious problems in this theory proposed by the Warren Commission; The Magic Bullet Theory, and the Impossible Shooting
- The Impossible Shooting: The film JFK, demonstrates quite clearly the impossibility of this shooting. It was concluded that Oswald fired three shots, two of which hit their target, in under 7 seconds. Yet this is absurd considering several factors; First it was discovered that the scope on Oswald's rifle was in bad condition. Then there's the fact that he was shooting at a moving target. There's the fact that there was a tree with heavy foliage, in his line of sight. And finally there's the impossibility that Oswald had to aim, shoot, and reload three times, in under 7 seconds. No gunner could ever duplicate this performance.
The Magic Bullet: To take things a step further, the Warren Commission, concluded that Oswald's second bullet caused 7 wounds in both President Kennedy and Governor Connolly. This theory is the greatest farce of the entire investigation. It is believed that Oswald's second gunshot, first pierced through Kennedy's back, then his neck, then through Gov. Connolly's back shoulder, through his rib, his wrist, and through his left thigh. An impossible trajectory of twists and turns. 15 layers of clothing, 7 layers of skin, 15 inches of tissue! And to make things even more ridiculous, the bullet was mysteriously found on a gurney in the Dallas hospital. Give me a break...
- The Zapruder Film: Of the several films taken that day, this one proved to be most significant, providing a clear vantage point of the entire event. It should therefore come as no surprise that it was immediately confiscated, and was not released to the public several years later. Garrison used this film in his case against Clay Shaw in 1969, the first time it was seen by the public. After watching the film several times, especially in slow motion, it is quite clear to see that the third and fatal-shot to Kennedy's head, pushed him back and to his left. Thus implying that the shot must have come from a forward and level plane, referred to as the "Grassy Knoll".
In order to properly assess this situation, we have to begin with some historical backdrop and possible motives.
Brief History of JFK's Presidency

John Fitzgerald Kennedy became the 35th president of the United States in 1961.He was a democrat in favor of the Civil Rights Movement, big on government not so big on global affairs. He was a huge opponent of organized crime. During his years as president, he was bombarded by the threat of communism most notably in the Bay of Pigs Invasion and the Cuban Missile Crisis. Kennedy was never in favor of intervening on foreign soil, both in Cuba nor in Vietnam, and was especially angered by the CIA's secret operations. He not only fired many of it's chief administrators, such as Allen Dulles, yet also intended to strip away most of their power. Many accused him of being far too soft on communism. By dismantling the CIA, turning away from global war, and improving the country's infrastructure, Kennedy was threatening the dominance of capitalism. So begins a political motive.
The Possible Motives
The Who is of course the biggest and most haunting question. Whether or not Oswald did the shooting may remain a mystery, yet I do believe there were multiple shooters involved. They were obviously the best of the best; underground, top secret men without any political motives whatsoever, most likely foreign... Untraceable mercenaries for hire... Yet the even bigger question is who hired them? Perhaps an underground organization, such as the mafia, upset with Kennedy's strict policies. After-all who better to blame than the mafia. Yet the Mafia could never conduct something of this magnitude at this level of secrecy. If they were involved, they were definitely either working with or for someone else... Yet Who?
Although we may never know for sure, I don't doubt the existence of a top secret organization, that specializes in covert operations, and has no traceable ties whatsoever to the government. We see and hear about it all the time in the movies; Men in Black, Watchmen, etc. Yet is it really too far off the deep-end to believe of their actual existence? Perhaps they feel that there are some things in this world that are better kept secret from the general public, in order to avoid mass pandemonium. An invisible organization, above our own government, acting in the name of national security. Is it really that far-fetched? Or perhaps beyond our grasp? Either way it's the stuff conspiracies are made of!!