Daniella came up with the idea way back in March to go on some type of big summer road trip... So after several weeks of deliberation and planning, I found a cool spot up north in Michigan, (thanks to a recommendation from Carl) known as Van Buren State Park. It lies off of Lake Michigan between Warren Dunes and Muskegon. We also decided to invite EJ and his girlfriend Laura to join us at our campsite. It was an incredible site and an all-around perfect weekend!

Daniella and I set off early Friday morning at about 5am to make the 3 hour drive. I borrowed a tent from Philip and Shawna, and also brought along their puppy "Coche"... We listened to good classic rock and caught up with one another the entire way. We arrived to the park at about 8ish and set up our camp and other stuff. The site was right on the corner, very close to the beach. We then got some breakfast at Big Boys, and bought some grociers for the weekend. After all the work was done, we spent the afternoon relaxing on the beach with Coche. We found an incredible secret path to the beach up the dunes, since dogs were not allowed...
Later that evening EJ and Laura arrived, and we began to prepare dinner over the fire. Of course I had to stick to the traditional Hobo Dinners, (Foil Dinners) that my dad had passed onto us when we use to camp as kids. Dinner was a great success, and after we cleaned up we went back to our secret spot to hike along the beach and watch the sunset. It was an incredible day. That night we stayed by the fire, had some drinks, ate some s'mores, and took it easy. Sleeping was not very comfortable on the hard-floor, and I must say an air-mattress would have been nice.
The next morning EJ & Laura made bacon with muffins for breakfast. We then made a quick run to pick up some stuff and firewood. After the campsite was cleaned,
we spent the day at the beach, where we played card games (Phase 10), drank cold beers, ate lunch, played soccer, swam in the FREEZING cold water, and relaxed in the sun... It was an incredible afternoon, and although we were breaking many rules, nobody seemed to care. That night EJ & Laura cooked shish-ka-bobs for dinner, with rice, and corn. We talked about music, movies, and played many drinking games around the fire. We also finished our Phase 10 card game. We made a deal that the loser had to dance on the table, which happened to be Laura... She had to dance to "ABBA: Dancing Queen"... Very funny stuff... We once again had S'mores later that night ...
The next morning, Daniella and I made biscuits and gravy for breakfast. The biscuits were a failure, yet the gravy was good, and we served it with regular bread as well as juice and donuts. After breakfast we went for a good walk around the entire camp-grounds. It was interesting to see other people's set-ups, most of which had giant RVs or campers... We were one of the few groups to bring tents... After the walk we cleaned up, took down our tents, and went on our separate ways... The trip was a total success and we all agreed to do it again sometime... The trip back went quickly, and Daniella and I listened to good modern rock the whole way... Coche was incredible the entire time!

The camping experience at Van Buren was very nostalgic for me... Although the actual site was new to me, and quite a proud discovery, it took me back to my childhood days camping with my family at Warren Dunes, Pokagon, or Chain O'Lakes... It had been nearly seven years since my last real camping experience, excluding the cabin trips at Muskegon. Its a past-time that is deep in my memories and my blood, and one that I hope to re-kindle once again with my family and friends...

Daniella and I set off early Friday morning at about 5am to make the 3 hour drive. I borrowed a tent from Philip and Shawna, and also brought along their puppy "Coche"... We listened to good classic rock and caught up with one another the entire way. We arrived to the park at about 8ish and set up our camp and other stuff. The site was right on the corner, very close to the beach. We then got some breakfast at Big Boys, and bought some grociers for the weekend. After all the work was done, we spent the afternoon relaxing on the beach with Coche. We found an incredible secret path to the beach up the dunes, since dogs were not allowed...
Later that evening EJ and Laura arrived, and we began to prepare dinner over the fire. Of course I had to stick to the traditional Hobo Dinners, (Foil Dinners) that my dad had passed onto us when we use to camp as kids. Dinner was a great success, and after we cleaned up we went back to our secret spot to hike along the beach and watch the sunset. It was an incredible day. That night we stayed by the fire, had some drinks, ate some s'mores, and took it easy. Sleeping was not very comfortable on the hard-floor, and I must say an air-mattress would have been nice.
The next morning EJ & Laura made bacon with muffins for breakfast. We then made a quick run to pick up some stuff and firewood. After the campsite was cleaned,

The next morning, Daniella and I made biscuits and gravy for breakfast. The biscuits were a failure, yet the gravy was good, and we served it with regular bread as well as juice and donuts. After breakfast we went for a good walk around the entire camp-grounds. It was interesting to see other people's set-ups, most of which had giant RVs or campers... We were one of the few groups to bring tents... After the walk we cleaned up, took down our tents, and went on our separate ways... The trip was a total success and we all agreed to do it again sometime... The trip back went quickly, and Daniella and I listened to good modern rock the whole way... Coche was incredible the entire time!

The camping experience at Van Buren was very nostalgic for me... Although the actual site was new to me, and quite a proud discovery, it took me back to my childhood days camping with my family at Warren Dunes, Pokagon, or Chain O'Lakes... It had been nearly seven years since my last real camping experience, excluding the cabin trips at Muskegon. Its a past-time that is deep in my memories and my blood, and one that I hope to re-kindle once again with my family and friends...