So come this January, I'll be starting a new career in autism, starting as a therapist at my uncle's clinic in Indianapolis. Sure I probably wouldn't have this opportunity unless I had the connections, but it's not like I'm walking completely into the dark on this one. Over the past year now, I've emerged myself into a social work atmosphere, and have found that I truly enjoy it. It's something that I could probably do for the rest of my life. It's the type of work that you can get engaged in, lose track of time, use your creativity, and do some good for society! Sure the pay isn't high, but it's a small price to pay for actually enjoying what it is you do. It's that gratifying feeling of doing something good for society, instead of robbing it...
The past month now has been incredibly busy, dating back to early November. I've managed to coordinate a Scout field trip, work 2 football games, buy a new car, bag a new job, find a new apartment, and still make it in for each of my jobs. It's been a chaotic month, yet I think things will finally slow down.
December 18th is a big date on my calender! My last day working at the YMCA and my last day at UHA... I can already tell that it will be sad to leave both places, especially UHA, but it's just something that has to be done. Also on this day is our family reunion up in Michigan. That's when my 2 week vacation will begin!!
Still haven't even started Christmas shopping yet, but I intend to do it all at Glenbrook this year, and hopefully get it done in one clean sweep!
Over the past few months now, I've found myself caught up in a hip-hop phase, most of which I just can't escape from... I think it began this summer, going out to the clubs with Jackie and Gily... Then at UHA, listening to the radio while driving Big Bertha... Or with the students singing these tunes.. It's just all around here, and I guess there's nothing wrong with that. I myself have gotten into Shakira lately, and am not afraid to admit it... haha
The other day I watched Michael Clayton, and must say that I really enjoyed it. It is a very complex movie about a fixer who covers up corporate scandals. Well one of his clients takes a turn for the worse, and he gets sucked into a complicated scenario threatening not only his job but his life... If you can make it to the end on this one, I gaurentee it's worth it! Great performances by George Clooney, Tilda Swinton, and Tom Wilkinson! Georgy has become the king of complex movies...
Then on the other hand I saw Wanted, and wasn't quite as impressed. It's a typical summer blockbuster full of action, sex, and violence, full of terrible acting by James McAvoy, and a creepy looking Angeline Jolie... The movie is flat-out ridiculous, with impossible stunts that defy the laws of physics... After watching the opening scene, I knew it was going to be a joke! I fell asleep half way through this one, and don't think I intend to finish it.
I think my good ole HP lab top is in its final days here, moving slower than slow... Yet as of now, there's just no room for a replacement, due to a very tight budget... It would have been nice to get one at the Black Friday sales, where they were going for $200, but even then I don't think there would have been enough money. So I guess I'll just have to suck it up, and hope it can last me another few months...