I just read an upsetting article that the Beijing Stadium is going to be shut down and turned into a shopping center in the next three to five years... the stadium known as "The Nest" was the symbol of the 2008 Beijing Olympics, the greatest Olympics ever held! Yet it was also a symbol of the emergence of China as the new world power... It bothers me to see that they cannot finance this amazing stadium, due to this terrible GLOBAL economic crisis...
As I follow the news of this economic crisis, I truly have begun to lose hope in finding a good job... Companies are cutting off by the thousands, the stock market is continuing to fall, and the ripple effect is getting worse each day... It is spreading far beyond our country, and into the global economy... Obama has found himself knee-deep in the mess, and it's not going to get better anytime soon... to make matters worse, every Republican in the country is out to get him, and make him look bad... For Christ-sake, now is the time to unite, and put the damn squabbling behind us! We had to deal with Republican shit for 8 years, and it got us nowhere! now it's time for a different direction!
Yet I honestly think Obama might have to get a little more radical on this one, if he really wants to fix the situation... i like his vision of raising the taxes for the rich, and passing a stimulus package, but we still will need to get more extreme! move away from the Centrist approach, and lets start getting FDR on their asses... I'm talking NEW DEAL politics!!! where the people truly come before the government! Just the other day I saw some inspiring news from France, where 100s of thousands of people, marched together in protest for Job Security, and the government actually listened! That's what we need!! but I'm getting way off topic, (more on this in another blog) The basic point i was trying to make is that things are continuing to get worse, and we are truly entering a state of Great Depression...

This stadium was a symbol of human unity and prosperity!!! how metaphoric is it that it should fall on the eve of a Depression...
PS: How fitting is it to see this picture of The Nest in The Nest... ha, sorry just had to mention it!
-blogs to come: A look back at the Great Depression; The current state of our economy; and the tribute to Bobby Kennedy
As I follow the news of this economic crisis, I truly have begun to lose hope in finding a good job... Companies are cutting off by the thousands, the stock market is continuing to fall, and the ripple effect is getting worse each day... It is spreading far beyond our country, and into the global economy... Obama has found himself knee-deep in the mess, and it's not going to get better anytime soon... to make matters worse, every Republican in the country is out to get him, and make him look bad... For Christ-sake, now is the time to unite, and put the damn squabbling behind us! We had to deal with Republican shit for 8 years, and it got us nowhere! now it's time for a different direction!
Yet I honestly think Obama might have to get a little more radical on this one, if he really wants to fix the situation... i like his vision of raising the taxes for the rich, and passing a stimulus package, but we still will need to get more extreme! move away from the Centrist approach, and lets start getting FDR on their asses... I'm talking NEW DEAL politics!!! where the people truly come before the government! Just the other day I saw some inspiring news from France, where 100s of thousands of people, marched together in protest for Job Security, and the government actually listened! That's what we need!! but I'm getting way off topic, (more on this in another blog) The basic point i was trying to make is that things are continuing to get worse, and we are truly entering a state of Great Depression...

This stadium was a symbol of human unity and prosperity!!! how metaphoric is it that it should fall on the eve of a Depression...
PS: How fitting is it to see this picture of The Nest in The Nest... ha, sorry just had to mention it!
-blogs to come: A look back at the Great Depression; The current state of our economy; and the tribute to Bobby Kennedy