I'm going to start a new series here in my blog on biblical studies (a sub-genre of my religious studies). I am a devout Christian and have always enjoyed the stories from the bible. Whether fictitious or historical (I believe there's a bit of both) these stories provide a poetic and powerful message of faith. Much of the Jewish, Christian, and even parts of the Islam religions are derived from the bible. The stories of the Old Testament pertain to the ancient customs and history of the Jews, while the New Testament pertains more to the Christians with the arrival of Jesus Christ. It consists of many books written by various prophets and theologians as far back as 1500 years ago.
I remember first getting my Holy Bible in junior high school, the American version with nearly 1400 pages. I've somehow kept the same bible ever since and even after 25 years it's still in good condition. I made a major effort during college to read the book from start to finish (inspired by a course I waking on the Old Testament). I copied my dad's idea to underline the passages within the bible that I felt were inspiring or significant. Ever since I always keep my bible by my bed and try to make an extra effort to read it more during the Lent and Advent seasons.I'm still however quite the novice when it comes to biblical studies, and although I know the general stories I'm not quite as versed in the details. I think it's always so amazing when someone can hear a biblical passage and quote it's exact verse. There's such beautiful poetry and metaphors within the writings most notably in the Psalms and Proverbs. Some of my favorite books include Genesis, Exodus, Joshua, Kings, and the Gospels of Matthew, Luke, John, and Mark.
As a historical nerd, I especially love the Old Testament stories that pertain to the Jewish origins and their migrations. It was thru Abraham that their people began and settled in the land of Canaan (modern day Israel). God took favor with Abraham, blessed his people, and his descendants such as Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Joshua, and David. The Jews are eventually enslaved by some time in Egypt, but are freed under the leadership of Moses. They then begin their historical campaign to conquer the land of Canaan under the leadership of Joshua. I'll surely revisit the details of Abraham and Moses at some point but for now I want to focus on Joshua.
Commander of the Exodus
During the Jewish Exodus from Egypt, Moses selected Joshua as his top military commander and also his successor as Moses was nearing the end of his life. Joshua conducted various spy missions and achieved his first victory against the Amalekites at the Battle of Rephidim. He also later accompanied Moses when he spoke to God on Mount Sinai to receive the Ten Commandments. Although Joshua only kept guard while Moses spoke with God, it was still the ultimate sign of trust and favor where Joshua became blessed by God.Following the death of Moses, God presented his plan to Joshua to lead the Jews into the Promised Land. Joshua thus becomes the chosen leader of the Jews, during a very difficult time where they must survive while waging war to establish new land. The Israelites create a portable tabernacle as a symbolic house of God, also known as the Tent of Congregation. Here they also housed the Ark of the Covenant which stored their most sacred relic the Ten Commandments. At this site, the Israelites would give spiritual and ceremonial homage to their God (this was the precursor of a synagogue or a church).
Enty into Canaan
Throughout the Book of Joshua, God speaks to Joshua frequently telling him to have faith and lead the Israelites to conquer the land of Canaan. Joshua shares this destiny with the Israelites, that they must wage war to establish a new home they refer to as the Promised Land. Their first major trial came by crossing the Jordan River whilst carrying the Ark of the Covenant. God miraculously parts the waters just as he did with the Red Sea so the thousands of Israelites can safely cross into the land of Canaan. They temporarily settle at the land of Gilgal where God instructs the men to be circumcised where removing their foreskins serves as a personal covenant with God.While setting camp in Gilgal, Joshua begins his reconnaissance work to invade the walled city of Jericho. He sends various spies to infiltrate the city where they meet and befriend the harlot, Rahab who gives them shelter and key information. She is later questioned by the king of Jericho, who begins to fear of an upcoming assault, but Rehab denies any knowledge of Israelite spies. She then helps the Israelites escape and confesses her faith in God and her belief that the land of Canaan is destined for the Israelites.
The Battle of Jericho
Probably one of the most famous moments in the Book of Joshua (and the Old Testament) is the destruction of Jericho. The king of Jericho is on high alert after expecting Israelite spies and closes his gates entirely, thus the walled city cannot be breached. Joshua commands a siege of the walled city to no effect. He is then visited by an angel who presents himself as a host of the Lord and instructs Joshua to remove his sandals. Just as it had happened to Moses, Joshua is now in the presence of the Lord, and lays prostrate to the ground to worship him.God then instructs Joshua to march around the city for six straight days. On the seventh day they were to march around the city seven times before the priests would blow their horns and the people would shout. At this point the walls miraculously collapsed and the Israelite army was easily able to sack the city. Upon the instructions of God, they left no survivors except for the harlot Rahab who had aided them in their breach. This marked the first major victory for the Israelites, however they did not settle here but pressed on with their campaign.
The Battle of Ai
From this victory Joshua lead the Israelites westward into central Canaan to sack the city of Ai. However they had temporarily lost favor with God, due to an Israelite named Achan who disobeyed God's instructions not to pillage from the city of Jericho. Nonetheless Joshua liked his odds against the smaller army of Ai, and sent 3000 soldiers to assault the gates. However the soldiers of Ai were able to repel the attack and killed 30 Israelites forcing them to retreat. At this point Joshua prayed fervently to God asking for assistance. God explained to Joshua the sin that had been committed against him, and how the entire people were to be punished. To answer for this sin, Joshua ordered Achan and his family be stoned to death, which regained favor with the lord.Joshua then led a 2nd assault on the city of Ai, with the full counsel and support of the Lord. God instructs Joshua to approach the front gates with a small force, while simultaneously arranging an ambush at the rear with a much greater force of 30,000 soldiers. The king of Ai sends his full force to face Joshua's smaller force at the front of the gates. Joshua pulls his army back while the Israelite army at the rear, easily penetrate and sack the city of Ai. Joshua then holds up a javelin by Gods command to lead the final assault on the Ai army, with flanking support from their rear position. The king of Ai is captured and hanged on a tree at the front of the gates. God permits that the Israelites can plunder the livestock but must leave no survivors and burn the city down just as they had done with Jericho.
The Amorite Alliance
At Mount Ebal Joshua erects an altar to once again give glory and homage to God for their recent victories. By this point however the native Canaanite kingdoms (also known as Amorites) began to fear Joshua's invading army and decided to form an alliance against him. This Amorite alliance consists of the kingdoms of Jerusalem, Hebron, Jarmuth, Lachish, and Eglon. Meanwhile the Gibeonites (who were also a kingdom of Canaan) attempt to ally with Israel and welcome them to their city of Gibeon. However when Joshua discovers that they are Canaanites, he decides to enslave them for fear that they cannot be trusted.King Adonizedek of Jerusalem leads the Amorite Alliance to attack the city of Gibeon, as punishment for siding with the Israelites. Joshua decides to save the city of Gibeon with counsel from the Lord. He marches his army from their post in Gilgal to face the 5 Amorite armies and easily causes them to retreat. He famously requests that God halt the sun, so that his army has more time to fight in the light. While the Amorites began to escape God hurls large hailstones down upon them causing great devastation. Meanwhile the 5 Amorite kings took shelter in a cave but were later discovered and executed by Joshua. Just as he did with the kings of Jericho and Ai, Joshua had the 5 Amorite kings hanged upon trees. This marked the Israeli conquest of southern Canaan and Joshua then turned his attention to the northern kingdoms.
The Northern Confederacy
News of Joshua's victories reached the northern kingdoms of Canaan, most notably it's largest city of Hazor. King Jabin of Hazor established a northern alliance with the kingdoms of Shimron, Madon, Achshaph, and the remaining strongholds of Amorites, Hittites, Perizzites, and Jebusites. This was to be the final stand against the invading Israelite army of Joshua. The Northern coalition of Canaanite armies arrived at the site of Merom near the Sea of Galilee. Joshua met them with his entire Israelite army at the Battle of the Waters of Merom to bring an end to the Canaan military campaign.With instructions from God, Joshua crippled the Canaanites' horses and burned their chariots overnight and then came upon them in surprise with his full force. It was once again a slaughter for the Israelites who sent the Canaanite armies fleeing in every direction. Joshua pressed his army onward to capture the capital city of Hazor, kill their king, and burn the city to the ground. They once again left no survivors however claimed all plunder from their victories. This marked an end to the Jewish exodus, Joshua's military campaign, the destruction of the native Canaanites, and God's ultimate covenant that the Israelites occupy this Promised Land (which they would later rename Judah and Israel).
Division of the Lands
Following their conquest of Canaan, God gave Joshua thorough instructions to divide the region among the 12 tribes of Jacob. The first 4 to receive their allotted land were Rueben, Gad, Judah, and Ephraim. This was the prime territory at the heart of Canaan which surrounded the Dead Sea and the Jordan River. The Tribe of Benjamin also claimed a central territory incorporating the Canaanite cities of Jericho, Gibeon, and Jerusalem. The remaining tribes of Simeon, Dan, Manasseh, Issachar, Zebulun, Naphtali, and Asher were allocated territory on the outskirts. These tribes would eventually unite into two kingdoms (Israel and Judah) under the leadership of Saul, David, and Solomon.In his final years Joshua is at peace having lead the fulfillment of God's promised land to the Israelites. In the land of Shechem he holds a grand assembly to give one final address to the chief leaders. He reminds them of their covenant with God and to always obey the Laws of Moses. He also emphasizes that they not make friends with the neighboring tribes, which could lead them away from their God. Joshua then laid out a large stone to represent the eye of God, which would bear witness to any transgressions against the lord. He then died at the age of 110 years old and was buried in Shechem.